L8 Introduction to Microscopic Anatomy Flashcards
Histology provides information about… [5]
• Diagnosis • Prognosis • Likelihood of treatment efficacy • Effect of treatment Incidental findings
What is Processing?
• Processing into a wax block • Fixation • Alcohol removes water • Xylene removes alcohol Paraffin removes xylene
What is the H & E Stain?
Purple: Haematoxylin in nucleus
Red/pink: Eosin in cytoplasm
Neutral mucin, BM, fungal organisms, collagen and glycogen
Alcian blue
acidic mucin
Trichrome stains
collagen and elastin
Prussian blue
Warthin Starry
• Detect proteins on/in cells or tissues
• Antibody labelled with a brown dye
○ Brown slide = protein present
Background stain only (blue) = protein absent
S100 protein positive
granular cell tumour confirmed (antibody against S100 labelled with brown chromogen)
• Cells covering a surface, underlying BM
• Interface between biological compartments
• May originate from: Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
• Ingrowths of epithelium specialise to form glands and ducts
Protective barrier, regulation of molecular exchanges, synthesis and secretion of glandular products
Epithelium structure
• Cells are polarised basal/apical
• Basement membrane (collagen)
• Adherent to each other, tight junctions seal borders, desmosomes for strength, gap junctions to allow molecule transfer
Cytokeratin intermediate filaments with cytoplasm to provide internal structure (immunohistochemistry)
Glandular/Columnar epithelium
Glandus are formed from special columnar epithelial cells with secretory function
• Some have ducts: Exocrine glands (salivary, breast, exocrine pancreas)
• Some don’t have ducts: Endocrine glands secrete directly into vascular system (thyroid, adrenal, islets of Langerhans)
Tubular exocrine glands - simple or compound
Acinar exocrine glands - simple or compound
• Anterior pituitary • Thyroid • Parathyroid • Pancreas Adrenal glands
Histology of BVs
• Tunica intima: simple layer of endothelium + loose CT
• Lamina elastica interna: Elastin
• Tunica media: circumferential SM
• Lamina elastica externa: Elastin
Tunica adventitia: Collagen and little arteries/veins/nerves to supply vessel wall
Types of arteries
• Elastic arteries: Aorta, brachiocephalic trunk, Common carotid, subclavian, large pulmonary arteries (large calibre)
• Muscular arteries: main distributing branches eg radial, femoral, cerebral and coronary (medium calibre)
Arterioles (small calibre)