L8 - Broadcast Media: Television and Radio Flashcards
Broadcast Media:
- Transmits sounds or images electronically
- Includes radio and television
- Broadcast engages more senses than sight and adds sound as well as motion for television
Television Advertising:
- Freeview (free to air) or Subscription
- Advertising is embedded in the programs
- Film format creates a brand image and personality better than other media
- Flexibility in market coverage, target audiences, scheduling and budgeting
- Cost is a function of the rating for the surrounding program (and channel, time of day etc)
(rappel: prime time 6pm-11pm)
Television Advertising Forms:
Infomercials (téléachat)
- Use an informed approach and combine it with direct response
- Generally 30 to 60 minutes long
- Often in late-night viewing (or channels)
Program Sponsorship
- The advertiser assumes part or all of the cost in producing the program, provides accompanying commercials and sometimes places products
Product Placement
- Involves the placement of the advertised product in the program
- Does not intrude on conventional advertising so is considered more effective (but might not be noticed)
Interactive Worlds of Entertainment
- Creation of brand-funded entertainment on the Internet
- Combines YouTube, Web pages and Facebook to encourage interactivity
Brand-Funded Entertainment pros and cons:
- Relatively new in the marketplace
- Allows the target to be caught ‘off-guard’ whilst resistance is low
- Placement may not be noticed
- May not be a suitable match for a product
- Increased risk due to possibility of investing in a commercial ‘dud’
The Medium of Television pros and cons:

Cable TV Pros and Cons:

Measurement and Digital Video Recorders (DVR):
- Audiences are irritated by clutter and prone to zipping (fast forwarding) and zapping (channel hopping).
- They may also cut them out using a digital video recorder (DVR) or personal video recorder (PVR).
- Ratings now include both live and time-shifted viewing (TSV).
How the PVR is changing advertising?
- Sponsorship
- Product placements
- Interactive advertising during programs
- Embedded ads in Video on demand
- Ads within the PVR main menu
- Endorsement deals
- Infomercials
- Pop-up ads within a program
- Features in TV shopping channels
- Commercial free, fee based content
Buying TV Time :
- Cost per Thousand (CPM)
- Target CPM (TCPM)
- Gross Rating Points (GRP)
- Cost Per Point (CPP)
Cost per Thousand
CPM = Cost/1000 audience reached
or (Cost/Audience reached)*1000
Not comparable across different media


Gross Rating Points
GRP = Reach (avg rating) × Frequency

Cost Per Point
CPP = Cost/(Gross Rating) Points

The Radio Industry:
- Commercial radio
- Community radio
- Public radio
Radio Advertising:
- Engages imagination because it relies on listeners mind to fill in the visualelement
- Commercials lend themselves to repetition, particularly music (jingles)
- Passive medium (often listened to in the background)
- Captive audience
- Highly segmented
- Breakfast is the most competitive time slot
Pros and Cons of Radio Ads:

Use reach when:
Something is (significantly) “new”
(e.g. new product features, new variety, new distribution, new advertising copy, new positioning, new market aims, new packaging)
Employ frequency when:
- Lack of unique message,
- when your brand is little different from others,
- high noise level in advertising environment.
Logic consistent with exposures Ostrow model
Effective Frequency vs Recency Planning

Continuity Scheduling pros and cons:
Advertising is steady and consistent over the campaign period
- Higher budgets
- Small budgets spread over long periods may result in low reach and frequency
- Supports recency planning theory
- On going advertising may quality the advertiser for preferred positions or discounts
- Shifting Reach Pattern (it is implemented by concentrating the advertising in a small set of media vehicles for one advertising cycle, then changing to another non-overlapping small set of vehicles for the next cycle, and so forth i.e. morning then lunchtime then evening TV programs)