L75: H&N 1 Flashcards
How many cranial bones are there?
Name the cranial bones:
- Ethmoid;
- Frontal;
- Occipital;
- Parietal (2);
- Sphenoid;
- Temporal (2)
Where does the olfactory nerve (CN1) enter the skull?
Through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
What is the foramen magnum and what is it’s significance?
The hole in the centre of the cranial base, where the spinal cord passes to/ from the brain.
How many facial bones are there?
Name the facial bones:
- Lacrimal (2);
- Maxilla (2);
- Nasal (2);
- Inferior concha (2);
- Palatine (2);
- Vomer (1);
- Zygoma (malar) (2);
- Mandible (1).
What is a cranial suture?
A type of fibrous joint that is unique to the skull
At what age do cranial sutures fuse completely and become immovable?
~20 y/o
Why are cranial sutures of clinical significance?
They are points of weakness
What are the three cranial sutures?
- Coronal;
- Saggital;
- Lamboid.
What is the blood supply to the face and neck?
Aorta- common carotid artery- external carotid artery
What is the blood supply to the brain?
Aorta- common carotid artery- internal carotid artery
What is the venous drainage of the face and neck?
External jugular vein
What is the venous drainage of the brain?
Internal jugular vein