L7.2 Cardiac ischemia Flashcards
Why is it essential for the heart to have sufficient O2?
It is essential for the heart to have sufficient O2 to prod ATP to keep pumping
What is ischemia?
Ischemia = Coronary flow is inadequate to maintain steady-state metabolism
What are the determinants of O2 demands?
- Ventricular wall stress
- Stretch increase O2 consumption
- Increased wall thickness decreases consumption/g tissues (compensatory by decreases load of each cell) BUT → there is an increase in muscle mass → increased total O2 demand
- Increase SBP (afterlaod) → pump harder → Increased O2 consumption
- HR
- Contractility
What are the determinants of O2 supply?
- Coronary flow is max during DBP
- Aortic DBP determines coronary flow
- Coronary resistance
- Increased by vessel compression (maximal compression in systole)
- Autoregulation of vascular tone
- Endothelial cells dysfunction → Decreased NO production
- Increase vasoconstriction & Decrease O2 supply
- Endothelial cells dysfunction → Decreased NO production
- Vessel obstruction
- Loss of NO-mediated supression of platelet aggregation
- O2 carrying capacity
- Hb levels & O2 saturation
- Usually max O2 extraction in heart
Coronary vascular constrictors/dilators

Characteristics of atherosclerosis
- Macrophage ingest lipids
- Streaks formed by migration of SM cells

Stable and vulnerable plaque?
- Stable plaque → lipid core expands + SM cells prolif → bulges with fibrous cap
- Vulnerable plaque → Plaque cap ruptures → collagen, platelets exposed → inflammation → clot → occludes flow downstream

Classification of obstruction
- 70% → minimal effect on flow (compensatory dilation)
- 70-90% → episodic ischemia
- >90% → basal ischemia
- 100% → Thrombosis (Total occlusion → maintained ischemia → myocardial infarction)
Classification of MI
- Hibernation: Chronic metabolic suppression (reversible)
- Stunning: Heart muscles not killed → prolonged contractile depression (reversible)
- Necrosis: Permanent cell death (Irreversible)

How are MI formed?
- 90% from ruptured plaque → thrombosis
- Pain similar to angina (25% don’t have pain)
How is MI detected?
- Serum analysis: detec intracellular macromolecules (CK, TnT, TnI)
- Onset: 4-8h
- Peak: 24h
- Baseline: 48-72h
Mechanism of MI
- Ischemia → Decreased O2 → Decreased ATP → ATP dependent pumps fail
- X SERCA → X reuptake → Ca build up inside cell
- X Na/K ATPase → altered RMP & ion balance inside cell → arrhythmia
- Build up of H inside cell form anaerobic process (due to ischemia) → leaves cell via Na/H ex → H reaches equilibrium inside & Outside cell → Na build up from Na/H ex → Turns Na/Ca ex in reverse mode → Ca goes in cell

What does the build up of Ca inside the cell lead to?
Lack of SERCA & build up of H leads to Ca build up inside cell → protease/lipase activation → cell death
Features of reperfusion
- Restores BF to heart and restores O2, BUT further increase cardiac dysfunction and death
- ATP pumps work again (suboptimally) BUT:
- Built up H conc outside swept away by blood → disequilibrium of H → Increase H out and Na in via ex → Na overload (slightly dulled by ‘restored’ Na/K ATPase) → Ca overload
- Furhter arrhythmia, cell death, and contractile dysfunction
What is the role of CAMKII and what is the relationship of it with ischemia?
- Activated by increase in Ca which upregulates Ca & Na handling proteins → Good under normal physiological conditions BUT NOT during ischemia
- Inhibition of CAMKII (by KN93):
- Sig decrease in arrhythmia and myocyte death
- Sig reduction in reperfusion pathologies