L7 - L8 Flashcards
inferential stats
techn tht help in generalizing from a sample to a larger group using stat tests of significane
-based on assumptions of what is true for a sample and whats true for larger pop (generalize)
many policy issues address q such as “if we were to change a would b get better?”
when what is believed to be the cause is actually the effect (determine this by time sequence of the 2 varibles; which occured 1st?)
-effect y occurs whenever cause x occurs
-effect y never occurs without cause x having occured already
-effect y occurs when cause x hasnt occured + always occurs when x has ocured
causality and correlations
-dont necessarily mean eachother
-association can be due to causality
-confounding: if 2 are associated bc of mutual association with another variable
-spurious: when 2 v are correlated but have no causal relations
-causal relations: if apparent cause (ind v/predictor) is changed the hypothesized effect (outco/dep) will change in response
univariate analysis
type of data which consists of observations on only a single charact/attrib
- 1 v
-explores each v in data set sepearately
-range of values and their central tendency
-describes distrib pattern of v
bivariate analysis
involving/depending on 2 variables
-based on how 2 v simultaneously change eachother
-covariance: the idea tht 2 v vary together; knowing the value of one can lead to calculating the value of the other
-scatter plot
-correlation coefficient
-how they associate and simultaneously change together
stat significance
-formal way of assessing whther observed associations are likely to be explained by chance alone
>0.10 not significant
<_0.10 marginally signi.
<0.05 significant
<.01 highly significant
-significance testing: used to help make a judgement about a claim by addressing the q; can the observed dif be attrib to chance?
-quantifies the extent to which 2 quaniti v “go together”
-high values of x and y = pos corr (opp/low= neg corr)
varies betw -1 (neg) and +1 (pos); 0 = no relation
-correlation coefficient: stats that quantify the relationship betw 2 variables (betw -1 and +1; denoted r;no units; sign determins if its neg or pos; magnitude determines correlation strength)
-cc of determination: get from squaring value of r (r2) to get proportion of variance in 1 variable shared by the other (quantifies the proportion of the variance of 1 v explained by the other)
-regression and correlation assume v are interval/ratio and relations are linear
types of error
-survey may be designed to measure abstract conceepts (ie vaccine hesitancy)
-error is dif betwn obtained values and true values (usually for large pop of interest)
error: sampling error
-due to respondent selection
-when a sample of the pop rather than the entire pop is surveyed
-prob sampling helps as its in a mathematical form
error: coverage
when the list from which the sample is taken (sampling frame) doesnt correspond with the pop interest
error: non response
item: respondent participates but skips some q
unit: designated respondent doesnt participate in study (limits representativeness)
errors: measurement
when the measure obtained isnt an accurate measure of what was to be measured
-could be due to respondent (accurate ans? q wording and sequencing)
-or interviewer (implications can lead to innacuratecies)
stat impact of error
the goal of identifying error isnt to elimnate but to minimize them (acces their stat impact; affects analysis of survey data)
total survey error approach: based on anayzing the several dif sources of error in surveys and considering how to minimize them in the context of practical constraints
random error
-not systematic
-if ppl dont think hard enough about a q to ans it correctly they may get error
-no systematic tendency in either direction = mean of 0
More issues
respondent selection issues
-sampling, coverage and non response error (unit)
response accuracy issues
-non response error (item), measurem error (due to respondent/interviewer)
survey administration issues
-post survey error, mode effects, compatability effects