L6 - Anatomy of the hand Flashcards
i) what are the three main groups of bones that make up the hand?
ii) label the carpal bones in the diagram
iii) what part of the carpal tunnel do the carpal bones form?
iv) which carpal bone is most commonly fractured? give two possible complications of this
v) which two carpal bones does the flexor retinaculum attach to?

i) carpal, metacarpal, phalanges
ii) A - pisiform, B - triquetrium, C - lunate, D - scaphoid,
E - hamate, F - capitate, G - trapezioid, H - trapezium
iii) carpal bones form the floor of the carpal tunnel
iv) scaphoid is most commonly fractured
- slow recovery as there is poor blood supply to prox part
- can result in avascular necrosis
v) FR attaches to the tubercle of the scaphoid and trapezium
I) label the diagram
ii) what type of joint in D? which two bones is it found between
iii) which joint is found between metacarpal and proximal phalanx?
iv) which joint is found between prox and distal phalanx?

i) A - radiocarpal joint (wrist), B - midcarpal/intercarpal,
C - carpometacarpal (distal carpal to metacarpal)
ii) D is a saddle joint - found between trapzeium and 1st MC
iii) metacarpal and prox phalanx = metacarpophalangeal
iv) interphalangeal - between prox and distal phalanx
i) what is the joint called? and what type of joint is it? what is it reinforced by?
ii) does the ulna articulate directly with the carpal bones?
iii) what is the role of the ulna and radial collateral ligaments? where do these originate from?
iv) what is the role of the ligaments on the palmar and dorsal surface?
v) which movements does it allow? (5)
i) radiocarpal joint, synovial joint, reinforced by ligaments
ii) no - ulna does not articulate directly with carpal bones, there is a disk in between
iii) ulna and radial CL limit abduction and adduction
- originate from the styloid process of each bone
iv) ligaments on palmar/dorsal surface limit extension and flexion
v) allows adduction/abduction, flex/extension, circumduction
i) what type of joint is it? what does cause? what is the one exception to this?
ii) which movement does the exception joint prinicipally allow?
iii) name the six movements it this joint allows
i) plane joint (two flat surfaces together) > limited movement
- exception = saddle joint between trapezium and metacarpal of D1
ii) saddle joint allows opposition
iii) extension, flexion, abduction, adduction, opposition, reposition
i) what type of joint is it? what does this allow?
ii) which four movements does this allow?
iii) which ligaments allows unifying of the metacarpals? which two digits is this not between? why?
iv) what is indicated by A?

i) condylar joints (oval > condylar surface) which allows movement in two planes
ii) flexion/extension and abduction/adduction
iii) deep transverse metacarpal ligaments
- not between digit 1 and 2 as they need to be mobile/oppose thumb
iv) deep transverse metacarpal ligaments
i) what type of joint are they?
ii) what movements do they allow? (2)
iii) what IP joints are indicated by A and B?

i) hinge joints
ii) flexion and extension
iii) A - proximal IP joint (PIP)
B - distal IP joint (DIP)
i) what is it? what shape is it? what two types of fibres does it contain?
ii) what muscle is it continuous with? if a person does not have this muscle then what is it anchored to?
iii) how can it be clinically implicated? which digits does this affect? why?
i) thickened deep fascia under the skin
- triangular shaped
- contains longitudinal and transverse fibres
ii) continous with palmaris longus
- if no palmaris longus then anchored to the flexor retinaculum
iii) clin implicated in Dupuytrens contracture
- cant straighten digit 4/5 due to shortening of the longitud bands of the palmar apneurosis
- pulls digits 4/5 into flexion
what is indicated by A?
what muscle is shown as B?
which clinical condition implicates this structure?

A - palmar apneurosis
B - palmaris longus
implicated in dupuytrens contracture
i) which part of the arm do these muscles sit? do they pass through the carpal tunnel?
ii) which two muscles extend to digit 2-5?
iii) which muscle extends to the thumb?
iv) what is the flexor retinaculum? where does it run from and to?what does it prevent?
v) which nerve runs alongside these tendons?
vi) what surrounds the tendons?
i) muscles in the anterior forearm
- yes they all pass through the carpal tunnel
ii) flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus
iii) flexor pollicus longus
iv) FR is the transverse carpal ligament
- runs from pisiform/hammate to trap and scaphoid
- prevents bowing of tendons (popping out)
v) median nerve
label diagrams A-E

A - flexor digitorium superficialis
B - flexor digitorium profundus
C - flexor pollicus longus
D - flexor retinaculum
E - median nerve
i) what do tendons enter as they extend into the digits?
ii) what two type of ligaments are found in the fibrous digital sheath?
iii) where does flexor digitorium profundus insert? what does FD superficialis insert?
iv) what is a veniculae?
v) label diagram

i) enter fibrous digital sheaths
ii) annular (straight) and cruciate ligaments (X)
iii) FDP inserts into the base of the distal phalanx
- FDS inserts into the base of the middle phalanx
iv) veniculae attached the tendons to the phalanges
v) A - fibrous digital sheath, B - annular ligament, C - cruciate ligament, D - synovial sheath, E - FDP, F - FDS
i) what part of the arm do tendons from these muscles come from?
ii) name the three muscles that extend to digit 2-5
iii) name the three muscles that extend to the thumb
iv) label diagram

i) posterior forearm (extensor compartment)
ii) extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor indicis
iii) extensor pollicus longus, extensor pollicus brevis and abductor pollicus longus
iv) A- flexor retinaculum, B - extensor indicis, E - extensor digitorum, F - extensor dig min, G - extensor pol longus,
H - exten pol brevis, I - abductor pol longus, J - extensor hoods
i) what is the role of the extensor hood?
ii) what does each tendon split into? where does each part insert?
iii) which joints does extensor digitorum extend? (4)
iv) label diagram

i) form attachments for intrinisic muscles
ii) each tendon splits to a medial band > medial phalanx
2x lateral bands > distal phalanx
iii) wrist, MCP joints of D2,3,4,5 and prox/distal IP joints of 2,3,4,5
iv) A - tendon of extensor digitorum, B - extensor hood, C - medial band, D - lateral band
i) what makes up the medial/posterior border? what makes up the lateral/anterior border? (2)
ii) what makes up the floor? (2 bones and 1 artery)
iii) what can be measured from here?
iv) which bone can be palpated here? why may this be done?
v) label diagram

i) medial/post border = extensor pol longus
- lat/ant border = abduc pol longus and extensor pol brevis
ii) floor = scaphoid and trapezium bone and radial artery
iii) measure radial pulse
iv) can palpate the scaphoid to see if it is fracture > tender
v) A - exten pol longus, B - abduc pol longus, C - extensor pol brevis, D - scaphoid bone, E - radial artery, F - trapezium bone
i) which two structures insert into these?
ii) label the diagram

i) lumbrical muscle and interosseous muscle insert
ii) A - extensor hood, B - inteross muscle, C - lumbrical
i) what do they do? where do they originate and insert?
ii) give three actions
iii) what structure do the lateral 2 lumbricals have? which structure do the medial two have? what is each innervated by?
i) link flexor tendon to extensor tendon
- originate from flexor digitorum profundus tendon and insert into extensor hood of D2,3,4,5
ii) extend interphalangeal joints, flex MCP joints and precision grip (hold pen)
iii) lat lumbricals (D2/D3) are unipennate & innervated by median nerve
- medial lumbricals (D4/D5) are bipennate & innervated by ulna nerve
i) what do interossi sit between?
ii) how many palmar and dorsal interossi are there?
iii) what is the action of each?
iv) where do they orig and insert?
v) which digits dont have palmar interossi? (2) which digits don have dorsal interossi? (2)
vi) which interossus is bipennate? which digit is this either side of?
i) sit between the metacarpals
ii) 3 palmar and 4 dorsal
iii) palmar - adduct in relation to D3
dorsal - abduct in relation to D3
iv) orig at metacarpals and insert into extensor hoods
v) no palmar for D1 and D3
no dorsal for D1 and D5
vi) 3rd dorsal interossus is bipennate and sits on either side of D3
i) what is the role of the thenar muscles?
ii) what is the role of the hypothenar muscles?
iii) label diagram
iv) where do the muscles originate?

i) fine movements of thumb
ii) fine movements of digit 5
iii) A - thenar muscles, B - flexor retinaculum, C - hypothenar muscles
iv) muscles originate from flexor retinaculum and adjacent carpal bones
i) name the three muscles? which is the deepest?
ii) which two carpal bones do they originate from? (plus flexor retinaculum)
iii) where does each muscle insert?
iv) name three movements that these muscles allow
v) label diagram
vi) which action is not done by these muscles?

i) flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis (deepest)
ii) orig from scaphoid and trapezium
iii) OP ins into first metacarpal
- APB and FPB ins into proximal phalanx of D1
iv) allows opposition of thumb (OP)
abduction (APB)
flexion (FPB)
v) A - opponens pollicis, B - abductor pollicis brevis, C- flexor pollicis brevis
vi) adduction
i) what are the three muscles? which is deepest?
ii) which two carpal bones do they originate from? (plus flexor retinaculum) where does each insert?
iii) what three actions do they allow?
iv) label diagram

i) flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi (deepest)
ii) orig from hammate and pisiform
- ODM ins into 5th MC, FDM and ADM ins into proximal phalanx of D5
iii) allow flexion, abduction and opposition
iv) A = ODM, B = FDM, C - ADM
i) which muscle is responsible for this?
ii) name the two heads of this muscle and where each originate from? where do they both insert?
iii) is this muscle deep or superficial to the thenar muscles?
iv) label diagram

i) adductor pollicis
ii) oblique head - from base of 2nd/3rd MC and carpal bones
- transverse head from 3rd MC
- both insert into the proximal phalanx of the thumb
iii) deep to thenar muscles
iv) A - oblique head
B - transverse head
i) which aspect of the arm does the radial artery run down? which muscles does it sit under? which nerve does it run alongside?
ii) once at the wrist, which three things does it cross before it anastomoses with the ulna artery?
iii) which aspect of the arm does the ulnar artery run down? which muscle covers it? which palmar arch does it form?
iv) label diagram

i) radial runs down the lateral side of arm
- sits under brachioradialis muscle
- runs alongside sup branch of radial nerve
ii) ulnar artery goes through anatomical snuff box, pierces 1st dorsal interossi, forms deep palmar arch then anas with ulna artery
iii) ulnar artery runs down medial side and is covered by flexor carpi ulnaris
- forms superficial palmar arch
iv) A - radial artery, B - ulnar artery, C - brachial artery
i) where does it sit in relation to the long flexor tendons?
ii) what does it supply? (2)
iii) what two branches does the radial artery give off after it pierces the first dorsal interosseous muscle?
iv) label diagram

i) sits below long flexor tendons
ii) supplies D1 and lateral part of D2
iii) radial artery branches to princeps pollicis (to D1)
and radialis indicis (to lat D2)
iv) A - deep palmar arch
B - princeps pollicis
C - radialis indicis
i) does it sit above or below long flexor tendons
ii) what artery is it predominantly made from?
iii) which branches does it give off first? what do these then form?
iv) what does it supply?
v) label diagram

i) sits above long flexor tendons
ii) predom made from the ulna artery
iii) first gives off common palmer digital arteries
- then forms proper palmer digital arteries
iv) supplies medial 1/2 of D2 to D5
v) A - ulnar artery, B - superficial palmer arch, C - common palmar digitial arteries, D - proper palmer digitial arteries
i) which branch does not pass through the carpal tunnel? where does it pass instead? what does it supply? how is this implicated in carpal tunnel syndrome?
ii) which branch supplies the three thenar muscles?
iii) which branch forms the digital nerves? which two lumbricals do these nerves supply? what is it sensory to?
iv) give two ways carpal tunnel syndrome may arise? how is it characterised? (2)
i) palmar branch doesnt go through carpal tunnel
- passes over flexor retinaculum to supply skin on palm of hand
- skin of palm is spared in CTS as it is supplied by palmar branch of median nerve which doesnt pass carpal tunnel
ii) thenar muscles supplied by the recurrent branch of median
iii) palmar branch forms the digital nerves
- supplies lateral two lumbricals (D1/D2)
- sensory to skin of D1,2,3 and 1/2 D4
iv) CTS can arise from trauma/oedema
- charac by pain on lateral side of the hand (pins needles/burning) and weakness to thumb
label diagram
what are the two main nerves that supply the hand?

A - median nerve
B - carpal tunnel
C - palmar branch
D - recurrent branch
E - digital nerves
median and ulnar nerves supply the hand
i) does it pass through the carpal tunnel?
ii) what does the deep branch supply? (4)
iii) what does the superficial branch supply?
iv) what posture do you get after injury to the ulnar nerve at the wrist? explain. do you get this posture when injuring the ulnar nerve above the wrist? why?
v) label diagram

i) no
ii) deep branch > hypothenar muscles, all interossi, medial 2 lumbricals, adductor pollicis
iii) superficial branch sensory to skin 1/2 D4 and D5
iii) injury of ulnar nerve at wrist > clawed hand (D4/D5 MCP extension and IP joint flexion) due to loss of medial lumbricals therefore the pull of extensor digitorum profundus causes claw
- above wrist dont get posture as you also lose innervation of FDP
v) A - deep branch, B - superficial branch, C - ulnar nerve
injury to which nerve causes this posture?

injury to ulnar nerve at the wrist