L5 - Sentence comprehension Flashcards
What are the 3 theories of sentence parsing?
- Syntactic Analysis -> Semantic Analysis:
- Garden Path Model - Semantic Analysis -> Syntactic Analysis:
- Good-enough processing. - Parallel Syntactic and Semantic Analysis:
- Multiple constraints model.
What is meant by local syntactic ambiguities?
- Multiple syntactic categories in a sentence can create ambiguities.
- “Time flies like an arrow”.
- Time = verb or noun.
- Flies = verb or noun.
- Like = verb or adverb.
Real world knowledge and probabilities can sometimes disambiguate meanings.
What are Global Syntactic Ambiguities (Garden Path Sentences)?
- “The horse raced past the barn fell.”
- “The old man the boats.”
- Garden Path: initial syntactic analysis (parse) is incorrect so we must revise structure.
What does the Garden Path Model (Frazier & Rayner, 1982) say about initial sentence selection?
- Only one structure is initially considered, based only on syntactic parsing (not meaning).
- The simplest ‘tree structure’ is chosen (fewest nodes in tree, fewest embedded structures).
What is some evidence towards the Garden Path Model?
Eye movements in Garden Path Sentences:
- people spend longer on disambiguating material only if it contradicts the simplest reading (initial parse).
What are the two predictions made by the Garden Path Model?
- Parsing is serial and incremental:
- syntactic role is assigned word by word. - Parsing is autonomous:
- when ambiguity is encountered, select a single interpretation based on syntax only.
What are some challenges to the predictions of the Garden Path Model?
- Eye movement data shows that people fixate longer on words that contradict sentence meaning.
- > semantic context does influence parsing.
- > challenges automaticity of parsing.
What is “Good Enough” comprehension?
- Processing is sometimes faster for ambiguous than unambiguous sentences.
- Ambiguous: “The hunter killed the animal with the rifle.:
- Unambig: “The hunter killed the leopard with the rifle.”
- Goal of comprehension is a representation that is good enough for current task.
What was the general finding from Swets (2008) on “Good-Enough” comprehension by manipulating comprehension demands?
- Found that people adopt a “good enough” strategy unless full sentence comprehension is required.
What do Multiple Constraint Models say about sentence parsing?
- Parsing is parallel and interactive.
- Lexical knowledge includes syntactic information.
- Early activation of contextual/semantic knowledge.
- Interpretations compete for selection like TRACE model.
- Multiple parses evaluated simultaneously.
- Comprehension is a constructive process.