L5 - Motivation, Performance Appraisals & Job Satisfaction Flashcards
Define motivation
Motivation: the force that energies people to act, direct behaviour toward the attainment of specific goals, and sustains the effort expended in reaching those goals
Define performance appriasal
Where are performance appraisals derived from?
Are they usually objective or subjective measures?
Performance appraisals: the evaluation of an employee and communication of the results to that person
Performance criteria are derived from job analysis
Sometimes objective measures of performance are available, but usually evaluations are based on subjective judgements
Define performance feedback
Performance feedback: the process of providing information to a worker regarding performance level with a suggestions for improving future performance
Define job satisfaction
What 2 ways can it be measured?
What 2 ways is it often measured?
The positive and negative feelings and attitudes employees hold about a job
Can be measured using a global approach or a facet approach
Often measured using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire or the Job Descriptive Index
What are the 4 theories of motivation?
- Need theories
- Behaviour-based theories
- Job design theories
- Cognitive theories
Describe the NEED THEORIES of motivation
What are the 3 needs that are central to worker motivation? And what’s the overall theory called?
Motivation is process of the interaction among various needs and the drives to satisfy those needs
Achievement motivation theory: three needs are central to worker motivation
Need for achievement
Need for power
Need for affiliation
Describe the BEHAVIOUR-BASED THEORIES of motivation
What are the 3 types?
Focus on behavioural outcomes as critical to affecting work motivation
Three types:
o Reinforcement theory
Behaviour is motivated by its consequences (e.g. positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers, punishment)
o Extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation
Intrinsic – motivation by internal rewards (I feel good at this job)
Reward systems that increase extrinsic motivation may undermine intrinsic motivation
o Goal-setting theory
Emphasises the setting of specific and challenging performance goals
People perform better at work and are more productive when they are given specific goals and clear standards for success and failure, than when they are simply told “do your best”
Describe the JOB DESIGN THEORIES of motivation
What 5 job characteristics contribute to motivating employers
The structure and design of a job are key in motivating workers
To be motivated employees must:
• Perceive work to be meaningful
• Feel responsible for the job
• Have knowledge of the results of their efforts
5 job characteristics contribute to these states: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback
Describe the COGNITIVE THEORIES of motivation
What are the 2 types?
Workers viewed as rational beings who cognitively assess personal costs and benefits before taking action
Two types:
1. Equity theory
Workers are motivated by a desire to be treated fairly
The ratio between inputs and outcomes should be the same for all workers
Thus, workers do adjust their productivity levels upward when they feel overpaid and downward when they feel underpaid
- Expectancy (VIE) theory
People are rational decision makers who analyse the benefits and costs of the possible courses of action
Workers become motivated and exert effort when they believe that:
• Valence: the rewards are valuable and desirable
• Instrumentality: their performance will be recognised and rewarded
• Expectancy: their effort will result in improved performance
What are some different sources of performance ratings?
Supervisor ratings, self-evaluations, peer evaluations, subordinate evaluations, customer evaluations, 360-degree evaluations
Describe SUPERVISOR RATINGS as a source performance ratings
Are based largely on job-relevant characteristics because managers are typically knowledgeable about the job and the employee
BUT may have a limited perspective on employee’s performance
Very common source of ratings
Describe SELF-EVALUATIONS as a source of performance ratings
Factor into performance appraisals, but they tend to be self-serving and inflated
Less predictive of job success
Describe PEER EVALUATIONS as a source of performance ratings
There is good agreement between ratings made by peers and those made by supervisors
Present problems if peer are competing for job rewards
Describe SUBORDINATE EVALUATIONS as a source of performance ratings
There is good agreement between ratings made by subordinates and those made by supervisors
In general supervisors and managers support the use of subordinate appraisals
Describe CUSTOMER EVALUATIONS as a source of performance ratings
Most appropriate when employee and customer have ongoing relationship
Describe 360-DEGREE EVALUATIONS as a source of performance ratings
Gathers ratings from all levels
Improved reliability due to multiple evaluations, inclusion of diverse perspectives, and improved organisational communication
Describe some problems with performance appraisals
Leniency/severity/central tendency errors
Halo effects
Contrast effects
Recency effects
Stuffed up yesterday, even though they have been perfect for the last 6 months
Causal attribution errors
Maybe it’s a situational problem, and not the individual person that is causing problems
Personal biases
Race, gender bias etc.
What are solutions to the problems with performance appraisals?
Making ratings shortly after observation
Taking careful notes
Using multiple raters
Training raters in necessary skills
Giving raters evaluation instruments up front
How does job satisfaction affect job behaviour?
o There is a moderate positive correlation between job satisfaction and job performance
o High job satisfaction is related to prosocial behaviour. Prosocial behaviour is related to high job performance and productivity
o Low job satisfaction is related to antisocial actions and counter productive behaviours that may thwart organisational goals
o Job satisfaction and absenteeism are negatively correlated
o Low job satisfaction is related to higher rates of turnover
How can we increase job satisfaction?
Changes in job structure
Job rotating
Job enlargement
Job enrichment
Changing pay-structure
Skill-based pay
Flexible work schedules
Compressed workweeks
Benefit programs
How to provide effective feedback to employees?
Effective feedback should be: Descriptive rather than evaluative Specific rather than general Appropriate (taking into account needs of employer, worker, situation) Directed towards behaviour that the worker can do something about Timely Honest Understood by both parties Proactive and coactive
Feedback should not be used as an opportunity to criticise worker