L5 - Looking for Love (Core vs. Periphery) Flashcards
What is the main cause of a decreased fertility rate in China?
The introduction of the One Child policy (although this has now been eased)
How does RUM impact rural areas? i.e. the periphery
Rural areas start to decline as less people are living there so less services are required
What’s been the impact of the 1 Child Policy on gender imbalance
There are roughly 20 million more men under the age of 30 (living in China) than women.
What was China’s GDP growth rate until 2014?
An annual, average growth of 10% of China’s GDP
What’s the impact of economic growth of China’s birth rate?
It falls - families become used to the idea that children will survive - large families are expensive
Women starts to prioritise careers over children
What’s the impact of economic growth on China’s death rate?
It falls - more spending on health care, or better food available More tertiary (safer) jobs than secondary
What’s the main migration flow across China?
From Xinjiang in the West to the Heartland in the East
What’s the name for China’s ‘Core’?
The Heartland - in the East
What’s the name for China’s periphery?
Xinjiang - in the West
What is the periphery like?
Unemployment Lack of investment Poor services Poor housing Quite rural Migration is OUTwards Maybe there will be spirals of decline
What is the core like?
High formal employment - high wages GOod education and housing Major, growing cities Good physical geography - e.g. near the coast Government policies attract investment
How might there be regional differences within China?
i.e. West vs. East
Socio-economic differences Population density Rates of growth Levels of income Health provision Geographical isolation Proximity to the coast Flow of labour in/out
Are there any problems in the ‘core’ (i.e. the Heartland)?
Exploitation of labour in factories
Environment problems because of factories
Are there any opportunities in the ‘periphery’ (Xinjiang)?
Potential for rebalancing - i.e. it could be a future source of cheap labour and new place to invest
The One Belt/One Road project will attract investment to the West of China near the mountains
Why aren’t there many jobs in Xinjiang (West / Periphery)?
Not very much investment
Government policies don’t favour the West
Why does it matter soils are poor in Xinjiang (West / Periphery)?
Makes it dificult to grow crops.
The rivers transport sediment to the East, to form fertile soil.
What’s the population like in in Xinjiang (West / Periphery)?
Smaller -
Poor healthcare / higher life expectancy.
Older, more retired people.
Could mean more job vacancies
Is population changing in the same away across all of China?
No. West vs. East.
The West is less fertile More dangerous topography Experiences a flow of labour to the core Leaves older population behind Hasn't see government investment or FDI
Why do countries like China get cores and peripheries?
Government policies favouring urban areas / core
Migration changes the periphery (older) and core (younger)
Administrative and industrial (better) jobs are in the core
What are the typical challenges faced by people in rural/periphery areas of countries like China?
Repopulation - people are migrating to cities
Agricultural crises - not enough workers, or climate hazards
Lack of basic services / education / health - there aren’t enough people to justify having them
Therefore people continue to leave (spiral of decline)
Why are people suffering in the periphery of China?
Uighur population is being expected to conform to Chinese values.
Muslim Uighur Men are being held in ‘reeducation centres’
Cities are being redeveloped to help Beijing’s development plans for China