L5- A8ing Migrants Flashcards
List four impacts of an elderly population?
Several impacts of an elderly population would be
- need to pay for pensions
- health care for more people, for more complex illnesses, for a longer period of time (epidemiological change)
- more nursing homes
- baby-sitters/experience (positive impacts)
What Tier is known as temporary?
Tier Five: Temporary
Allow description of- professional spots people/ musicians
List several issues in the Slough community
- There was an out-migration from Slough and therefore funding was short based on 2001 census- £15million, which led to council tax increases
- 10,000 migrants= pressure on health, education, housing, 15 per house
- Schools adapted with EAL provision, NB a new pupil costs £5,500/yr
Approximately how much money was funded for the 13,000 new children in Slough?
What are the benefits from this movement in Slough?
- promotes tolerance different groups and connects them together
- economic boost e.g. polish have contributed 3X the cost
- skilled and qualified workforce
- increased cultural diversity- e.g. Indian restaurants/ Chinese herbal medicine/ different types of music
What is the Tier one new approach?
Tier One: Highly Skilled
- Entrepreneurs, top scientists, business people
- they can stay permanently- potential to earn the most
What is the Tier Two new approach?
Tier Two: skilled with job offer
- qualified
- employers have to sponsor them
Which year was the most frequent country of birth for residents from outside the UK out of 2001 and 2011
2011- increased population for the majority of countries
What Tier is the low skilled?
Tier Three
What is the main language in the A8?
What are a few reasons for changing immigration?
Carrying Capacity-
:Might be overpopulated (e.g. Rapidly growing/ high fertility rate) so they have limited need for labour
:might be underpopulated or related idea (e.g. Ageing/falling population so have high demand for labour or need workers for higher tax (1)
Countries have different political alliances and treaty that oblige them to have particular policies
Personally motivation rather than government policies
What is the fourth tier?
Tier Four: Students
-fee playing only, issued visas from place of study, e.g. University
What attracts people from other countries to move to Slough? E.g. Polish
Jobs- unemployment rate of 18.2% , highest in all OECD (2005) and even higher in rural areas (40%). NB UK was 5%.
Earn 4-5x the pay as you do in Poland
Only UK/ Ireland/ Sweden allowed in
English is the second language (majority of the time)
Which countries are part of the Accession 8 in 2004?
Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Slovakia Czech Republic Hungary Slovenia
Map wise about the A8 migration-
Which country has 13% of their population as ethnic minorities?
United Kingdom