L4.2 Molecular basis of cancer Flashcards
What is cancer caused by?
Caused by genetic instability
Main risk factor = age (median age 76)
10 cancer cell hallmarks involved in pathogenesis of cancer
- Deregulate cellular energetics
- Sustain abnormal proliferation
- Evading growth suppressors
- Avoid immune destruction
- Invade & metastase
- Tumour-promoting inflammation
- Divides indefinitely (immortal)
- Induce angiogenesis
- Genome instability & mutation
- Resistant to cell death

Features of cancer signals
- Cancer signals (release GF/pro-inflam agents) → invasive → metastase
- Microenv initially hostile to cancer, but tumour adapts to env
- When cancer metastase, require lifelong treatment
Growth stage of cancer
- Normal cell → initiated → pre-cancer → invasive → metastasis
Changes of medicine usage with times
- Old: Use broad cytokines based on tumour classification
- New: Using genomic screening → allows targeting of specific lesions
Correlations of cigarettes and cancer
- Cigarette smoking → ↑lung cancer risk → causes inflammation at site → metastase
- Development of cancer could be latent (b/w 1st exposure & development of cancer)
- Genetic lesions from smoking is irreversible
- ↓risk after smoking → but risk doesn’t reset to baseline
- Mech:
- Error in repair mech of DNA → causes genetic instability
- Mutation in p53 → cannot apoptose → evades cell death
Correlations of fat diet and cancer
- ↑fat diet → causes dysplastic mucosa → insave cancer → metastase in gut
- Risk higher for fat diet than smoking, also has different timeframe
Viruses that causes cancer
- Integrate to myc gene → ↑proliferation (amplification of regulatory genes)
Oncogene mutations
- Mutants of oncogenes causes cancer
- HER & Neu (oncogenes) mutations → amplifies HER
- Promotes cell proliferation & oppose apoptosis (common in breast cancers)
Example of Translocation of genes causing cancer
- Bcr-abl protein translocation → associated with leukemia
Growth factors causing cancer
- Most GF are tyrosine kinases
- Mutation causes excessive drive from ↑prod. of GF → activates GF genes → cancer
- GF.R mutation → becomes constantly active
- Anti-ligand + receptor strategies → limit tumours
Differentiation of cancer cells
- Cancers don’t differentiate properly
- There are mutations in differentiation genes
- e.g:
- Hedgehog pathway → causes cancer
- Patched → normally inhibits smoothened (smoothened causes cancer)
- Mutation → loss of function of patched
- WNT & fizzled system (similar to smoothened)
Mutations in GCPRs
- GF works through GCPRs
- Mutations in GCPRs → is cancerous (through the transduction pathway)
RAS protein mutations
- Commonly mutated, alters downstream functions of:
- PI3K → leads to ↑ cell proliferation
- pTEN (downstream from PI3K) commonly mutated → damages DNA → immunity to apoptosis
- Raf → ↑pro-inflammation
- Ral-GEF → ↑cell migration (↑filopodia lamellipodia)
- PI3K → leads to ↑ cell proliferation
Overview of things driving the cancerous cell cycle (proliferation)

11 ways of treating cancer
*A^3 Tom Met Carly ToDay. He’s Already In*
- Alkylating agents
- Antimetabolites
- Anti-tumour “antibiotics”
- Topoisomerase inhibitors
- Mitotic inhibitors
- Corticosteroids
- Targeted momlecular therapies
- Differentiating agents
- Hormone therapy
- Anti CTLA-4
- Immunotherapy
Alkylating agents
- Directly damages DNA and work in all phases of cell cycle leads to cell apoptosis
- Cytoxan
- Interfere with DNA and RNA growth by substituting building blocks (Damage synthesis)
- Treat leukemia, breast, ovary, intestinal
- 6-mercaptopurine, Methotrexate, 5-flurouracil
Anti-tumour antibiotics
- Anthracyclines
- Anti-proliferation by interfering with enzymes involved in DNA replication
- Adriamycin, Daunorubicin
- S.E: can permanently damage the heart if give in high dose
Topoisomerase inhibitors
- Inhibit topoisomerase (which is used to separate DNA in synthesis)
- Topoisomerase I inhibitors: CPT-11
- Topoisomerase II inhibitors: VP-16
Mitotic inibitors
- Stopping mitosis by affecting spindle formation.
- Taxol, Oncovin
- S.E: May affect cells in all phases, may cause nerve damage
- Used as adjuncts
- Also used to prevent nausea & vomiting caused by chemotherapy
- Prednisone, Dexamethasone
Targeted molecular therapies
- Target specific tyrosine kinase R. and their mutations
- Gleevac, Iressa
Differentiating agents
- Acts on cancer cells to make them mature into normal cells
- Retinoids, ATRA
Hormone therapy
- Many cancers (e.g. breast & cancer) driven by hormones
- Anti-oestrogens: Faslodex, Arimidex
- Anti-androgens: Casodex, Eulexin
- GnRH agonists: Lupron
Anti CTLA-4
- CTLA-4 → strong inhibitory signals to immune cells
- Inhibition stops immune suppression
- Active: own immune system to fight
- Passive: AB created outside body and given to fight
- Rituxan, Campath