L11.1 Mast cells and allergy Flashcards
Location of Mast cells
- Everywhere, but particularly at sites in contact with external env (lungs/skin/gut)
- Commonly found close to BV/N/glands
Relation of mast cells with IgE
- ↑ IgE
- Associated with: hay fever, asthma…
Stimuli for mast cells
- Antigens via IgE
- Complement fragments (result of innate immunity)
- Neuropeptides (mast cells found localised around neurons)
- Cytokines/chemokines
- Bacterial components
- Physical trauma
Mast cell degranulation
- Degranulation occurs upon activation
- Release anaphylactic agents
- Granules fuse with plasma membrane and release contents
Degranulation via granule fusion
- Granules can fuse with other granules (already docked at plasma membrane) → prod large granule with common exit point
- Compound degranulation (anaphylactic degranulation)
Mediators released by mast cells: Granular
- Histamine
- Tryptase → used for activating precursor cytokines
- Preformed mediated (e.g. TNFα)
De Mediators released by mast cells: De novo
- LTC4 → bronchoconstrictor
- PGD2 → bronchoconstrictor and regulatory roles
Mediators released by mast cells: transcriptional regulation
- ↑ Cytokines/chemokines (Few hours later)
Mediators released by mast cells
- Exosomes (Membrane enclosed mini granules)
- Have variety of protein on surface that can transfer them to specific sites → have specific site actions
- Contain mRNA and miRNA → alter transcriptional processes
Features of the 3 subunits of FceR1
- α → binds IgE
- Glycosylation of subunits → keeps α-subunits from bind with each other → prevent initiating allergen independent activation(pineapples)
- Β → spans membrane 4 times
- Interacts with α
- Attractant at the tail
- Have motif to recruit kinases/adaptor molecules
- γ → Have motif at tail to signal downstream molecules

- Motifs at β and γ tails = ITAMS (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs - have common sequence)
- Motifs have tyrosine (Y) residues and are able to be phosphorylated (Y-P)
Mechanism of antigen/IgE cross-linking
- Antigens exposure → cross-links the FceR1 α R
- Lyn kinase recruited → phosphorylates ITAMS of γ subunit
- Lyn has Y-P motifs in the ITAMs
- Syk brought in and is phosphorylated by Lyn → downstream signallings
- Downstream pathways:
- Ras

ITAM mediated signalling
- Commonly found in major immune regulating R
- B-cell R/T-cell R
- Also in virally encoded proteins
Dampening IgG pathway
- Allows auto-regulation of immune pathways
- ITIM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibtory motifs)
- e.g. IgG R (FcγR11b)
- Draw in phosphatases → remove phosphate groups → dampen ITAM signalling pathways
- IgG upregulated when you already have high AB against that antigen
- When antigens bind → also binds FcγR11b → dampens downstream signalling for clonal proliferation
Lipid Rafts/microdomains
- Sub-structures within cellular membrane
- Cross-linking of α R → might enable R to enter these microdomains to allow signalling (instead of recruiting Lyn)

Histamine Receptors
- Mediates activity through H1,2,3,4
- H4 selectively in immune cells
- All are GPCRs
Triple response from histamine
- Redding - Vasodilatation at initial site
- Wheal - ↑ vascular permeability
- Flare - broader reddening from spreading of sensory neurons
Anti-allergic therapies
- Selective H1 antagonist - preventing action of histamine on H1 R
- May also block mast cell actions
- Hayfever/dermatitis…
- NOT in colds/asthma
Sedative H1 antagonist
- Chloropheniramine, promethazine
- Causes Drowsiness
- Crosses BBB therefore sedative
Non-sedative H1 antagonists
- Terfenadine, astemizole
- Lack anti-Mus activity
- Does not cross BBB
- Withdrawn due to Ventricular arrhythmia
Newer non-sedative H1 antagonists
- cetirizine, loratidine
- less cardiac adverse effects
- Humanised anti-IgE AB
- Very specific binding to FceR1 α R (stabilises cell surface due to loss of IgE)
- Manage moderate/severe asthma
- Prevents initial antigen presentation (interacting with dendritic cells)
Targeting mast cells: Disodium cromoglycate
- Prevents degranulation of mast cells
- Agonist at GPR35
Targeting mast cells: Syk kinase inhibitors
- Impairs eisonophil levels in the airways
Targeting mast cells: Immunotherapy
- Give small and increasing dose of substance allergic to → Desensitise IgE dependent activation pathway (develop a tolerance)
- Skewing towards a IgG response → neutralise IgE response
Problems with immunotherapy
- Adverse reaction → may exacerbate anaphylatic (allergic) rxn
Rushed immunotherapy
- speedy densitisation → ↑allergen over short time
- Danger → suffer from ↑A.E
- Pre-treat with omlizumab → ↓IgE levels first → better compliance (dampen allergen specific effects of IgE)