L4 - The immunology of multiple sclerosis Flashcards
What is progression of the average person with MS?
severe fatigue and lethargy
numbness in left foot
3 years later pain behind left eye
inflamed optic nerve
Commences on B-interferon therapy
Left leg starts to drag at 40 - slowly starts to weaken
GRADUAL progession of paraplegia or hemiplegia
The pain in MS runs through…
unmyelinated neurons
peripheral nerve myelin is produced by different cells to the CNS
optic nerve is part of the CNS
the periventricular, subcortical U-fibre and posterior fossa lesions are all…
high intensity areas of inflammation
true or false
There is lots of variability in MS genetic patients in terms of severity, relapses and progression
What are the risk factors for MS?
20-30 fold increase if caucasian or have an effected sibbling
2-3 fold incraese if female or carrier of HLA-DR15 allele of the MCH class 2 molecule presenting antigens
2 fold increase if low Vit D levels
7 fold increase if high latitude of residence
1.3 increase if smoker or obese female
What are the lesions in MS?
Occur only in the CNS
Transverse Myelitis/optic Neuritis are examples
True or false
lesions for MS are in the perihperal nervous system
How can we study MS lesion evolution?
Gadolinium enhancing lesion - inject contrast, show the breakdown of BBB
Look for CD68+ve macrophages (could be disguised as a brain tumour)
Look for perivascular T and B cells
Myelin is made by oligodendrocytes - how is it damaged? T cells or B cells
T cells or potentially B cells
If B cells are killed MS imrpoves
If T cells are made to not leave the lymph nodes also good
But if we kill both = very toxic
Is the inflammation cause or consequence of MS?
If lymphocytes are maintained in lympoid organs (like with Fingolimod drug), MS is improved even though it isnt immunosuppressive
So traffic of T cells into the brain is important - if stoppedMS will improve
Alemtuzumab in hu CD52mice resultsed in depletion of lymphocytes in peripheral blood and lymphoid organs - has a MASSIVE effect on MS relapse rates
What are the identified risks from clinical trials with MS?
infusion associated reactions
serious infections
Autoimmune conditions
true or false
When you put the inflammation cause to the test and specifically kill t cells, MS is improved
so could be B cells…
Could the inflammation just be a response to the oligodendrocyte/myelin death?
This is the ‘inside-out’ hypothesis
the immune response just being a response to the primary pathology in the oligendendrocyte
Could be something here - killing a field of oligodendrocytes to start with
Are lesional axons lost?
when you kill axon - protein blows up initp end bulb
The immunology of MS and its drugs treatments show us that….
we really don’t know whats going on
The Big Question: What is the most likely reason for disability progression?
Cumulative axon injury by acute and chronic inflammation in and around lesions involving macrophages, T cells and B cells
This is bad because no regeneration in the CNS
true or false
MS is an autoimmune disease
It MAY be but we don’t know
origin of the acute MS lesion is uncertain
true or false
Drugs that reduce MS lesions and relapses work on lymphocytes and macrophages
What is the strongest genetic risk factor for MS?
HLADR15 carriage
also caucasians, women, low vit D