What are the 3 model-categories of communication
Linear, Interactive, Transactional Models
Public Announcement, TV Commercial, Written Memo, Marketing Campaigns
Linear Model
2-way process with feedback in a somewhat sequential manner. Sender -> Receiver, not simultaneous. It ends there.
Interactive Model
There is a clear distinction of who the sender and the receiver is. Pero it ends there na lang, hindi siya cycle of continuous communication.
Interactive Model
Team meeting
Interactive Model
Simultaneous, interactive process. Participants are both senders and receivers. Continuous and outgoing exchange rather than a sequential one.
Transactional Model
4 Model of Communication under LINEAR Model
Aristotle, Lasswell, Shannon-Weaver, Berlo’s SMCR
speaker > speech > occasion > audience > effect
Aristotle Model
Which linear model focuses on PERSUASIVE communication?
Aristotle Model
There are four types of approach in Aristotle’s Model of Communication. What are they?
(1) Ethos - Credibility
(2) Pathos - Emotions
(3) Logos - Logic
(4) Call to Action
Which Aristotle Approach makes the sender establish their CREDIBILITY and expertise on a topic to gain the receiver’s trust?
Which Aristotle Approach makes the sender appeal to the receiver’s EMOTIONS to create connection and influence thei decison-making?
Which Aristotle Approach makes the sender use LOGICAL arguments and evidence to back their message - stats, facts
Which Aristotle Approach makes the sender end the convo by encouraging the recipient to take a particular ACTION - purchase a product, backing a cause, altering their behavior
Call to Action
Who: Communicator > Says What: Msg > In Which Channel: Medium > To Whom: Receiver > With What: Effect
Lasswell’s Model
Which Aristotle Approach offers a structured appoach to understand the basic elements of communication: sender msg channel audience effect
In Lasswell’s, what’s the “with what effect” part?
Tells whether the message was understood, had influenced opinions or prompted desired actions
Sender > Encoder > Channel > Decoder > Receiver —–> Feedback——> Sender
Noise affects channel
Shannon-Weaver Model
One of the most foundational models in the field of communication theory ; recognizes “noise”
Shannon-Weaver Model
Source > Message > Channel > Receiver
Sender & Receiver must have some commonalities for their communication to be successful
Berlo’s SMCR Model
2 Models under Interactive Model
(1) Osgood-Schramm (2) Wesley-Maclean
Encoder/Interpreter/Decoder -> Message -> Decoder/Interpreter/Encoder -> Message
Osgood-Schramm Model
Under Interactive Model, this is a circular model where everyone involved are treated equally;
sender & receiver are identified as two parts of a valuable conversation rather than differentiated
Xvn -> A -> C -> B bla bla basta
Wesley-Maclean Model
Under Interactive Model, which model recognizes the various factors within a group, such as environmental and cultural elements?
This also says the process begins with enviro factors rather than a sender
Under Interactive Model, which includes NINE components: Enviro Factors, Sender, Receiver, gatekeeper, Feedback, Sensory Experience, Object of Orientation (Sender & Receiver)
Wesley-Maclean Model
2 Models under Transactional Model
(1) Barlund’s (2) Dance’s Helical
Under Transactional Model, this emphasizes that comm is not a one-way process, but rather a simultaneous exchange of msgs b/w sender and receiver + verbal, non-verbal cues play crucial roles
Barlund’s Model
Under Transactional Model, which model is this:
Discussion with a roomie. You nod to them as approval. Your face says you disagree on the other.
Dance’s Helical Model
Under Transactional Model, this model says comm is a cont, evoving process
Dance’s Helical Model
Under Transactional Model, this evolves over time, encourages ongoing learning, comm cont evolves and builds upon previous interactions
Dance’s Helical Model
Student-Teacher discussion on complex topics. As time pass by, both parties have grown rich knowledge and understading within the topic.
Dance’s Helical Model