L4: Developmental Issues During Infancy, Childhood & Adolescence Flashcards
stages of the human lifecycle
Characters of Infant Attachment (Birth to 15 Months)
……….., separation from the primary caregiver leads to initial loud protests from the infant ……..
- Toward the end of the first year of life
- “separation anxiety”.
Depressed infants may show:
- Poor health and slowed physical growth.
- Become withdrawn and unresponsive.
- Attach indiscriminately to strangers as if they were familiar to them.
Children without proper mothering (e.g., those in orphanages) show:
- severe developmental retardation.
- poor health
- higher death rates despite adequate physical care.
Characters of The toddler years (15 - 30 Months)
Death in The toddler years (15 - 30 Months)
The toddler has no understanding of death and sees the death of a close family member separation.
The major theme of the second year of life is to Separate from the mother or primary caregiver, a process that is complete by about age …..
Characters of The Preschool Child (3- 6 Years)
Toilet training typically occurs at age …….
……, a child should be able to spend a few hours away from the mother in day care.
After reaching 3 years of age,
A child who can’t do this after age 3 is experiencing ……
separation anxiety disorder.
Death in The Preschool Child (3- 6 Years)
Preschool children may perceive death as a punishment. They believe that death is temporary and typically expect that a dead relative (or pet) will come back to life.
…. , the child’s conscience (the superego of Freud) and sense of morality begin to develop.
At the end of the preschool years (about age 6)
…., children can put themselves in another person’s place (empathy) and behave in a caring and sharing way toward others.
After age 6
Social Characters of School Age (7- 11 Years)
Death in School Age (7- 11 Years)
After about age 11, the child understands that death is universal and inevitable.
Cognitive Characters of School Age (7- 11 Years)
- Organized (e.g., gathers collections of objects).
- Has the capacity of logical thought and can determine that objects have more than one property (e.g., an object can be both red and metal).
- Understands the concepts of conservation and seriation:
what is Conservation?
- Conservation involves the understanding that a quantity of a substance remains the same regardless of the size of the container or shape it is in.
What is Seriation?
- Seriation involves the ability to arrange objects in order with respect to their sizes or other qualities.
Characters of Adolescence (11-20 years)
Characters of Middle adolescence (15-17 years)
Characters of Late Adolescence (18-20 Years of Age)
In the effort to form one’s own identity, ………
an identity crisis commonly develops
Identity Crisis