L3: Psychoanalytic Theory and Defense Mechanisms Flashcards
Introduction of Psychoanalytic Theory
Psychoanalytic theory is among a group of theories that:
- tried to explain how personality normally develops.
- Have concern about the difficulties met in early development and may be lead to long-term personality deficits or psychiatric disorders later in life.
Each theory assumed a certain type of psychotherapy that is based on the hypothesis and assumptions of this theory.
Psychoanalytic theory can be considered as the first theory of personality among other theories such as: Behavioral, Humanistic, Cognitive, Object Relation…
what is Psychoanalytic theory based on?
Sigmund Freud’s concept that behavior is determined by forces derived from unconscious mental processes.
what are freud theories of mind?
- the Topographic theory of the mind (developed it early in his career).
- the Structural theory of mind (developed it later in his career).
He was also concerned with Dreams, Instinct theory and Transference.
In the topographic theory, the mind contains three levels:
unconscious mind, preconscious mind & conscious mind
Characters of unconscious mind
Characters of preconscious mind
contains memories that, while not immediately available, can be accessed easily.
Characters of conscious mind
- contains thoughts that a person is currently aware of.
- It operates in close conjunction with the preconscious mind but doesn’t have access to unconscious mind.
- The conscious mind uses secondary process thinking (logical, mature, time oriented) and can delay gratification.
Parts of Structural theory of mind
- Id, Superego, Ego
what does Id Contain?
instinctive sexual & aggressive drives
what is Id Controlled by?
Controlled by:
- primary process thinking
Not influenced by:
- external reality
what does Superego contain?
Associated with:
- Moral values.
- Conscience.
what does Superego control?
Controls the expression of the id
what does Ego Control?
Controls the expression of the id: to adapt to the requirements of the external world (primarily by using defense mechanisms).
value of Ego
Id, Ego, Superego
- Topographic Level
- Age at which it develops
Def of Defense Mechanism
- it refers to an unconscious mental techniques that used by the ego to keep conflicts out of the conscious mind, thus decreasing anxiety and maintaining a person sense of safety, equilibrium, and self-esteem.
what is Repression?
- Repression (which is pushing unacceptable emotions into the unconscious i.e, Motivated forgetting) is the basic defense mechanism on which all others are based.
Adv & Disadv of Defense Mechanism
- They can be useful in helping people deal with difficult life situations such as medical illness (adaptation).
- when used in excess they can become a barrier to seeking care or adhering to treatment recommendations.
Mature & Immature defense mechanism
- Mature defense mechanisms (see next page) (e.g. altruism, humor, sublimation, and suppression) when used in moderation, directly help the patient or others.
- immature defense mechanisms (i.e. manifestations of child-like or disturbed behavior).
- Explanation
- Example
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Reaction Formation
- Explanation
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- Example
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- Example
Identification (Introjection)
- Explanation
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- Explanation
- Example
Def of Transference Reactions
- transference and countertransference are unconscious mental attitudes based on important past personal relationships (e.g. with parents).
Effect of Transference in physician-Patient Relationship
These phenomena may alter judgment and behavior in patients’ relationships with their doctors (transference) and doctors’ relationships with their patients (countertransference)
types of transference
- Feelings about a patient who reminds the doctor of a close friend or relative can interfere with the doctor’s medical judgment.