L4 Flashcards
What are demand sectors?
Energy sectors are those that receive final energy from the supply sector and convert this into useful energy to meet an energy service demand
energy service demand eg. mobility and thermal heating
What are some examples of demand sectors?
Which is the most/least CO2 intensive demand sector?
1. electricity and heat
2. transport
3. manufacturing and construction
Fugitive emissions
What are fugitive emissions?
emissions are leaked during refinary and other processes
Can you speak to the energy flow to transport?
11/121 of transports energy fuel is coming from the oil sector
crude oil is transformed into petrol, diesel or jet fuel
but electrical cars might see a shift into the future
Can you speak to the industrial sectors energy mix?
Largest sector for consumption of energy but energy mix is v diverse
consumes both electricity and heat
Oil, coal, natural gas and biomass
Can you talk to the geographic distribution of final energy demand and the sectors within that geographic distribution?
China - high exporting nation - China has the highest consumption and it is mainly in industry
US is the second highest consumer of final energy demand and majority of it is in transport
What has GDP got to do with it?
- As GDP increases agriculture demand for final energy decreases, services and manufacturing increase in demand for final energy
= idea of a transition in economies that drives energy demand
Manufacturing consumes a lot of energy - service energy also demanding of energy - IT services and transport
What is the kaya identity equation?
CO2 emissions = Pop x GDP/pop x Energy/GDP x Co2/energy
What impact does GDP/Pop have?
gdp is a driver
require more energy as it goes up so you are increasing Co2
What impact does Energy/GDP have?
This describes the energy intensity -value adding in the GDP
how much energy are you consuming and how efficiency is the energy
developed countries have a better energy intensity thus have better value - smaller amount of energy to get the same amount of GDP
What impact does CO2/Energy have?
this describes the emissions intensity
= how much emission is producer per energy energy produced
What is the equation for decomposition analysis of emissions?
CO2 = demand x structure x energy efficiency x fuel mix x emissions intensity
demand = sum of total activity of subsector and fuel type
structure = Sub-sector activity /total activity
Energy efficiency = Sub-sector energy/ sub-sector activity
Fuel mix = subsector fuel type/ subsector energy
Emissions intensity = emissions from fuel type/ fuel type
What has been responsible for reduced growth rate in the last decade?
decarbonisation and decline in energy per GDP
Covid - 19 = less activity = less emissions
- reduced industry, land transport and minimal aviation reduction in daily emissions 2019vs 2020
How much of final energy demand / emissions is from transport?
30% final energy demand
15% of global emissions
What is avoid/reduce, shift and improve?
Avoid/reduce = reduce demand in the first place.
Shift= moving from a less sustainable method of consumption to a more sustainable method.
Improve = improving the efficiency of the existing technology i.e. emissions intensity of energy efficiency
Can you give some examples of avoid/reduce, shift and improve in the transport industry?
Transport industry is providing a service of accessibility and mobility
- integrate transport and land-use planning
- smart logistics
- teleworking
- compact cities
- mode shift from car to cycling, walking or public transit
- electric vehicles
- eco-driving
- smaller, lightweight vehicles
Can you give some examples of avoid/reduce, shift and improve for buildings?
Buildings provide shelter as a service
- passive house or retrofit - avoiding demand for heating and cooling
- change temperature set-points
- heat pumps, district heating and cooling
- combined heat and power
- consensing boilers
- incremental insulation options
-energy-efficient appliances
Can you give some examples of avoid, shift and improve for manufactured products and services?
Provides a service of clothing and appliances
- long-lasting fabrics, appliances, sharing economy
- eco-industrial parks
-circular economy
- shift to recycled materials
- low-carbon materials for buildings and infrastructure
- use of low-carbon fabrics
- new manufacturing processes and equipment use
For transport can you use the decomposition of equation to come up with options of how to improve co2 emissions?
Activity/transport demand
- reducing the number of journeys or the distance
eg, increasing the density of urban landscapes
- sourcing localised products
-optimised logistics systems
-ICT conferencing
Systems-infastructure and modal choice
- switching to lower carbon modes of transport
eg. public transport, walking or cycling
Energy Intensity
- improving energy efficiency
- enhanced vehicle and engine performance
- lightweight materials
Fuel switching
- to lower carbon fuels
eg. petrol to biofuel or increased electrification
Emissions Intensity
- decarbonisation of the electricity sector
- increasing sustainability of biofuels
What factors influence transport trends?
Travel time budgets - the average amount of time per day that a person spends commuting
- independent of wealth, race or geography
1.1-1.3 hours travelled per day
speed of travel dictates the range
security, speed and travel/waiting time
What is the relationship between economic growth and car ownership?
Increases in income increase car ownership
but this doesn’t translate into car usage
about status, freedom and flexibility rather than usage - can change the tech but changing the ownership would be more difficult
What are some of the considerations that need to be taken when considering improving technology?
- occupancy load of the technology
the carbon footprint of travel per kilometer is vastly different for a domestic flight, long haul flight and national rail - have to understand the co-benefits eg. public transport is v important for poorer populations
Can you speak to some considerations required for a modal shift in passenger travel?
- Heavily dependent on behavioural change and infrastructure
- deliberate and considered urban planning can have a significant positive impact –> penalising or incentivising eg. London congestion charge or EV vehicle charging infrastructure
e.g. public bike sharing schemes and cycle lanes - around 15% of current journeys can be replaced by walking or cycling - IPCC
- high speed rail <800km can be a substitute for long distance road or short haul flights
= energy p-km can be 65-80% less than air travel - significant co-benefits
Can you speak to the considerations that need to be taken for a model shift in freight?
- current trend is away from rail and shipping towards air and road
- 70% growth in truck travel between 2010-2050 is expected - this trend needs to be reversed
- European commissions has set a target for all frieght to be >300km to be by rail/ship by 2030
–> This would require a doubling of rail capacity - switching from aviation to shipping often limited by the time-sensitivity of delivery
time is v sensitive in this industry - idea of just in time production and next day delivery
Freight has to compete with passengers
What is the potential improvements that can be made in light duty vehicles (ie.vans) ?
50% improvements by 2030 relative to 2005
redesigning to bring them in line with the best in class
i.e. direct fuel injection, automated transmissions and more gears
What are the improvements that can be made in internal combustion engines?
potential 35% more efficient
improved aerodynamics, auxiliary components, rolling resistance and weight reduction
BUT we need to move away from FF not simply reduce combustion - efficiency gains in internal combustion engines are insufficient
What is the trend in car energy efficiency globally?
the EU have the most efficieny cars - due to standards
act as a comparison mechanism for other countries
if car manufacturers cannot meet the standards they have to take the car off the market
range of affordability and leakage of best process to not all markets
What are the three main vehicle technologies?
Plug in hyrbid electric vehicles
battery electric vehicles
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
What are the characteristics of a plug-in hybrid EV?
- have an internal combustion engine + a battery which can be recharged by connecting to the grid
- 50-150km on battery
- reduces fuel consumption by up to 45% = consume less energy and electricity from a to b
- drop in battery costs - more affordable but people want a fancy car
What are the characteristics of a battery electric vehicle?
- 2x more efficient than internal combustion engine
- could reach cost-parity with petrol/disel by 2020
- rapid reduction in costs of batteries - li-ion
- extending range on battery 500km
What are the characteristics of a hydrogen cell vehicle?
-1.5x more efficient that an internal combustion engine
-limited by hydrogen infrastructure and refilling requirements - expensive due to gas and compression - sufficient infrastructure at appropriate distances
- more likely to be used for heavy trucks
but potential that it will increase the weight of the vehicles