L3 STO Flashcards
Where is the ADAHRS box located in the Archer?
In the tail
What are the components of the ADAHRS?
ADC - pitot static mast, alternate static air, EBDs (Aspen) provide ASI, VSI, Altitude and OAT
AHRS - GPS, rate sensors, air data, and magnetic variation provide pitch, roll, sideslip and heading info
Tell me about the Archer’s main/nose gear, and the hand break
- Mains each have a hydraulically operated External Caliper and Disc Brake Assembly
- Nose gear is steerable 20 deg either side, Shimmy Dampener included
Toe brake and Hand brake have independent Master Cylinders, but share a common reservoir
Why is there a drop in RPM when utilizing alternate engine air induction?
This new air is warm and unflitered!
What are the different levels of CAS messages?
RED = warning AMBER = caution WHITE = advisory
How will we know when the Autopilot has failed its automatic preflight check?
The Electric Pitch Trim will not function!
- To recycle, turn AVIONIC MASTER off and then back on
- On the PFD “PFT” will disappear and there will be no failure indications if test is successful!
What kind of Autopilot does the Archer have installed?
GFC 700
What is CWS
Control Wheel Steering
- will disconnect the AP Servos momentarily allowing you to hand fly
What 4 things will occur when activating TOGA
- AP Disc
- Command a nose up pitch attitude
- Change CDI to GPS mode
- Cycle GPS to MAP procedures
How is the ASPEN EvolutionBD powered in normal and abnormal operations?
- Normally powered by ESS BUS
- During an ALT failure it will operate off ESS BUS until the Primary BATT is depleted. Then EMER BAT/BUS will provide power for 30 mins
- If Primary and EMER BATTs fail, EBD will revert to its own internal BATT provided 30 mins additional.
If any part of the Aspen EBD is inoperative, can you fly IFR?
No - IFR flight is prohibited when any component of the EBD is inop
What allows us to utilize FOB Sync in the Archer?
There is 1 float type sensor in each wing tank. Signal is measured and send to the GEA (Garmin Engine Airframe) Interface where it is converted to a fuel quantity
Tell me about the Electrical System of the Archer!!
28V System Components: - 24V Primary BATT - 24V EMER BATT (isolate by diode to prevent discharge when alternator is off) - 28V 70A Alternator
When will the EMER BATT provide power to the EMER BUS?
When the EMER BATT switch is in the ARM position and there is an electrical system fails
Why do we care if the BATT has 23.3V before flight?
23.3V charge guarantees 30 mins in flight if total elec failure. If less than 23.3 this means battery needs to be recharged, or replaced!!
What does the Primary BATT power?
What does the EMER BATT power?
- Starter
- Lighting BUS
Tell me about the alternator
- Belt driven
- Once running with the ALTR switch ON, it is the primary source of electrical power for the aircraft
- Will take itself offline if 32V output is produced
What is on the EMER BUS?
- Aspen EBD
- PFD Functions (NAV 1/COM 1)
- Audio Panel
When using the alternate static source, how must you configure in the flight deck?
- Cabin vents/storm window CLOSED
- Heater/Defrosters ON
IO 360 B4A - 180hp 4 cylinder horizontally opposed direct drive normally aspirated fuel injected
Are the Apsen EBD and G1000 independent of eachother?
The Aspen’s purpose is to provide a reference to crosscheck the G1000 system info/reliability, and in the event of a failure a flight instrument backup. (7-45)
Min and Max oil?
2 qt min, 8 qt max!
All temps 15W-50 or 20W-50
GFC700 Autopilot Limitations? (there are like 7)
Must be disengaged:
- During TO/LD
- Below 400’ AGL after TO
- Below 1000’ AGL in cruise
- Below 200’ AGL on an Approach
- Below 70 KIAS and above 140 KIAS
- Below 75 KIAS on Cat. 1 approach only
- Over 10 gal fuel imbalance
VFR traffic pattern:
95 on downwind
Abeam power 1500rpm, flaps 10
75 on base, flaps 25
66-70 on final, flaps 40 or as required
Power off 180
Pitch for 76
Think about wind, flaps as necessary
Execution of Normal TO
Flaps 0
Vr 60
Climb at Vy 76
CC 500’ AGL 87
Execution of Short Field TO
Flaps 25 Full power/2240-2340 RPM Vr 55 Climb 50' AGL while accelerating to 60 Above 64 + rate flaps UP Climb at Vy 76 CC 500' AGL 87
Execution of Soft Field TO
Flaps 25 Vr ~~~ stay in ground effect while accelerating to 60 Climb away Above 64 + rate flaps UP Climb at Vy 76 CC 500' AGL 87