L3 Pharmacokinetics II: Drug Elimination and Multiple Dosing Flashcards
Vd (volume of distribution) = ?
Dose/C0 (initial concentration)
For all drugs that obey first-order kinetics, it takes ___ half-lives to reach steady state.
Loading dose = ?
[Cp (peak desired) * Vd]/F
Why do we use loading doses?
They more rapidly achieve a therapeutic drug level.
True or false - the time to reach steady state is reduced by the loading dose.
False - it is not reduced.
Maintenance dose = ?
[CL * Cp * T (dosing interval)] / F
What is the maintenance dose?
The dosing strategy used to maintain a steady state of drug in the body
What is the primary determinant for calculating the maintenance dose?
What is the target concentration for a maintenance dose?
The middle of the steady-state
What is irreversible drug removal from the plasma through an eliminating organ?
Elimination clearance
What is intercompartmental clearance?
Drug distribution between plasma and tissues (bidirectional process)
Maintenance dosing rate = ?
Rate of elimination = CLe * Cp
Css (steady-state concentration) = ?
[Dosing Rate * F]/CL
In steady state, the rate of drug administration = ?
Rate of drug elimination
True or false - the time to steady-state is independent of dosage.
Fluctuations in steady-state are proportional to ___.
Dosage interval/half-time
What blunts fluctuations in steady-state?
Slow absorption
Steady state concentration is proportional to ___.
Dose/dosage interval
Steady-state concentration is inversely related to ___.
When using a continuous infusion, steady state concentration is proportional to ___ and inversely related to ___.
Infusion rate; CL
I (infusion rate) = ?
CL * Css
CL (when drug administered by continuous infusion) = ?
I / Css
Describe the elimination rate of the drug in first-order kinetics.
It is a constant fraction of the drug remaining in the body per unit time.
First-order elimination rate = ?
Most drug obey what type of kinetics?
C (first-order) = ?
Drugs that are eliminated primarily by ___ may display zero-order kinetics.
Describe the elimination rate of the drug in zero-order kinetics.
A fixed amount is metabolized per unit time
Zero-order elimination rate = ?
dC/dt = -k
What two main drugs display zero-order kinetics?
Phenytoin, ethanol
C (zero-order) = ?
C0 - kt
Describe the general principle of dose-dependent kinetics.
When a drug’s elimination is mediated predominantly by metabolism, its elimination will tend to follow first-order kinetics when C «_space;Km of the metabolic enzymes, but will follow zero-order kinetics when C»_space; Km of the metabolic enzymes.
dC/dt = ? (no adjustments)
-[Vmax * C]/[Km + C]
dC/dt = ? (first-order, C «_space;Km)
-[Vmax * C]/Km
dC/dt = ? (zero-order, C»_space; Km)
What is the volume of plasma cleared of drug per unit time?
Elimination clearance (units of flow - mL/min)
CL total = ?
CL renal + CL hepatic + CL other
Elimination half-life = ?
Time to eliminate 50% of the body content of the drug = (0.69Vd)/CL
t 0.90 = ?
Time to reach steady state = 3.3(t 1/2)
What is the dosing rate equation when renal failure is present?
Normal dosing rate * [CL renal failure/CL normal]
How can a dosing rate by reduced in renal insufficiency?
- Reduce the dose
- Increase the dosing interval
- Both
What is creatinine clearance rate (CrCL)?
The volume of blood plasma that is cleared of creatinine per unit time; approximates GFR
CrCL = ?
[(140-age)(body wt. in kg)]/(72*serum [Cr] in mg/dL)
Reduce estimates by 15% in females
What are the three determinants of hepatic drug clearance?
- Hepatic blood flow (rate of drug delivery to eliminating organ)
- Plasma protein binding (fraction of drug available for clearance)
- Intrinsic clearance (hepatocellular metabolism/biliary excretion)
CL (hepatic) = ?
Q[(fCL intrinsic)/(Q + [fCL intrinsic])]
Q = liver blood flow f = free fraction (unbound)
CL (hepatic) when drugs have low hepatic extraction = ?
f * CL intrinsic
(Q»_space; f* CL intrinsic)
Examples: warfarin and phenytoin
CL (hepatic) when drugs have high hepatic extraction = ?
Q «_space;f* CLint