L3 Gendered violence and representation Flashcards
Definition of VaWiP
intentional, unwanted, non-essential, harmful actions towards women in political roles BECAUSE they are women
What forms can violence take?
- online 2. physical 3. economic 4. psychological 5. sexual 6.semiotic
(VaWiP) Research shows…
women encounter more psychological + sexual violence. men encounter more physical. women + men encounter equal levels of online violence
Gendered Impact of VaWiP
Mental health, confidence, can push women out of politics, have a negative reputational effect, can effect political ambition for those outside of politics….
exiting, silencing, invisibilising
Measures to combat VaWiP
International/legal (conventions, national legal frameworks, political bodies)
Preventative measures (training, awareness, education, security)
SM regulation (DSA….)
Exact VaWiP definition (Krook 2017)
“1) aggressive acts aimed largely or solely at women in politics; 2) because they are women, often using
gendered means of attack; and 3) with the goal of deterring their participation in order to preserve
traditional gender roles and undermine democratic institutions”
(Krook, 2017, p. 78)
Pitkin (1967)
Descriptive = standing for (shared characteristics)
Substantive = acting for (acting in interests of)
Symbolic = standing in for (emotional/symbolic)
Institutional = designing for (institutional)
Critical Mass (Kanter)
‘The sufficient number of people needed to create a significant social change or sustain collective action’
4 types of groups
- uniform
- skewed (minority, 15% = tokens)
- tilted group (minority 35%)
- balanced (other factors dominate)
Dahlerup (CM…changes…?)
- reaction to women politicians
- culture
- discourse
Critical actors?
Legislators who initiate policy proposals to promote policies for disadvantaged groups
Celis & Erzeel 2016
‘Complementary Advantage’ - 10 interviews in 2013 with party employees of 4 flemish parties…
FINDINGS: list formations prioritised incombants, limited newcomers, but when newcomers - intersectional preference = CATCH ALL
Mansbridge (which groups require representation?)
4 contexts
1. mistrust 2.uncrystallised interests 3.ability to rule questioned 4.past discrimination