L2W2 COPD Overview Flashcards
Common preventable & treatable disease, char by persistent airflow limitation that usually progressive & asso w enhanced chronic inflammatory response in airways & lung to noxious particles/gases
Burden COPD?(prevalence, mortality)
Prevalence: •inc steeply w age •highest(>60) •7.8%-19.7% average range •3-11% non-smokers Mortality: •Ranked 6th coz death(1990) •3rd(2020) •4th in 2030
Risk Factors COPD?(7) (PGFREA)
- Susceptability genes
- Exposure inhaled particles
- smoking, In/outdoor, job dust, Chemical agents, fumes - Poor lung growth & dev
- Inc age
- Female
- Recurrent chest infection
- Low socioeconomic status
- Generally >40y
- Smoker/ex-smoker
- Presentation with:
– cough
– excessive sputum production
– shortness of breath - Dyspnea(most pt seek medical)
COPD Subtypes?(4)
- Chronic bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Mixed type
- Ashma /copd subtype
CP Chronic Bronchitis(blue blotter)?(10)
- Mild dyspnea
- Cough before dyspnea starts
- Copious, purulent sputum
- More frequent infections
- Repeated resp. insufficiency
- PaCO2 50-60mmHg
- PaO2 45-60mmHg
- Hematocrit 50-60%
- DLCO xmuch
- Corpulmonale common
CP Emphysema(pink puffer)?(10)
- Severe dyspnea
- Cough after dyspnea
- Scant sputum
- Less frequent infections
- Terminal RF
- PaCO2 35-40 mmHg
- PaO2 65-75 mmHg
- Hematocrit 35-45%
- DLCO dec
- Corpulmonale rare
Diagnosis of COPD? (Symp+ risk factor+ spirometry)
Symptom -SOB, chr cough, chr sputum Risk factor -Tobacco, job, in/outdoor Spirometry FEV1/FVC
Investigation COPD?(8) (ABG SIA SLEC)
- Spirometry
- Imaging
- ABG measurement
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency screening
- Lung vol & diffusing capacity
- Sleep study
- Exercise testing
- Composite scores
Spirometry useful for?(5) (SGE IDx)
- Screen individual(pul dis)
- COPD diagnosis
- Severity pul dysfx
- Guiding selection of treatment
- Assess effects therapeutic intervention
Lung volumes & diffusing capacity(DLco)
-fx impact emphysema in COPD & degree airflow limit
Hyperinflation & air trapping:
-Hyperinflation →Reduces IC (esp. during exercise) →↑ dyspnea & limitation of exercise capacity
Lung volumes
-IC appears to correlate more strongly to dyspnea than FEV1
Comorbidities in COPD?(6) (SAD COG)
- Skeletal Ms Dysfx
- CV Disease
- Osteoporosis
- Anemia of Chronic Disease Metabolic
- Abnormalities in COPD Depression
- GI Disease
DDx COPD?(6) (A,B,C,D,Tb,Ob)
- Asthma
- Congestive heart failure
- Bronchiectasis
- Tuberculosis
- Obliterative bonchiolitis
- Diffuse Panbronchiolitis
Assessment of COPD?(4)
- Current lvl pt symptoms
- CAT≥10 more symp
- mMRC ≥2 more symp - Severity spirometric abnorm
- Frequency of exacerbations
- ≥ 2 exa last year/ ≥ 1 hosp(high risk)
- 1 exa last year/no exa(low risk) - Presence of co morbidities
Combined assessment of COPD?(4)
- Assess symp
- Assess risk exa
- Choose highest risk(GOLD/exa his)
- Pt in one of four categories
Therapeutic Options?(5)(VS PAN)
- Smoking cessation
- Nicotine replace
- Phy act
- Pharma thep
- Influenza & pneumonococcal vac
COPD Medications?(5)(BACIO)
- Beta2-agonist
- SABA/LABA - Anticholinergic
- SAMA/LAMA - Corticosteroid
- ICS/Sys corti - Inhaled combination
- SA/LABA + AC - Others
- Methylxantine
- Phospo 4 inh
Recent Drugs?(4)
- Glycopyronim(Seebri)
- Indacateron(onbrez)
- Ultibro Breezhaler(Glycopyrronium bromide + indicaterol)
- Phospho 4 inh(Roflumast)