L23: Functional anatomy of the larynx Flashcards
What sits directly behind the larynx?
Where is the shared pathway for air and food?
Oropharynx, but air and food need to be directed down different tubes
What are the functions of the larynx?
- airway protection (prevents food/fluid entering airways)
- ventilation
- important role in the cough reflex
- role in production of sound (phonation)
What is the larynx?
‘Tube’ created by ligaments, membranes, cartilages, and muscles
- suspended from and lies below the hyoid bone
- begins at laryngeal inlet (an opening into larynx from laryngopharynx) and ends at lower border of the cricoid cartilage (C6): where the trachea begins
What is the piriform fossa?
Space posterolaterally either side of the laryngeal inlet
-epiglottis directs food/fluid over and round through the piriform fossa, away from laryngeal inlet
(here can be a site where foods can get stuck/ pharyngeal cancers can grow to a resonable size before patient notes difficulties swallowing)
What is the framework of the larynx?
Cartilaginous structures:
-thyroid cartilage on top
Inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage articulates with the cricoid cartilage below it (synovial joint)
The cricoid is thicker posteriorly
-arytenoid cartilages sit on top of the cricoid cartilage too (paired)
-epiglottis is attached to inner surface of the thyroid cartilage at the front
Membranes (connective tissue sheet)
- thyrohyoid membrane: attaches thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone (suspends larynx)
- cricothyroid membrane: anteriorly connects the thyroid and cricoid cartilage (extends behind the anterior part of the thyroid cartilage)
- cricotracheal membrane: connecting cricoid cartilage to first tracheal ring
What cartilages/membranes are palpable in the larynx?
-laryngeal prominence: thyroid cartialge (Adam’s apple)
Soft part after this is the cricothyroid membrane
-cricoid cartilage under this is palpable
Where is the thyroid gland found?
Beneath the level of the cricoid cartilage, with the isthmus running across upper few tracheal rings
What is a cricoidthyroidotomy?
Provides emergency acess to airway, below the level of the vocal cords (when there is an obstruction above this)
-hole cut in cricothyroid membrane in which a tube is then entered to oxygenate the patient
What is the structure of the laryngeal inlet?
- epiglottis
- fold running down laterally from the edges of the epiglottis called: aryepiglottic folds
What are the aryepiglottic folds formed from?
Quadrangular membrane (quadralateral in shape)
-runs from lateral edges of the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilages
-free inferior border from middle of inner surface of the thyroid cartilage towards the arytenoid cartilage posteriorly
(free inferior boundary gives rise to the false vocal cord)
What gives rise to the true vocal cord?
Free superior margin of the cricothyroid membrane
What are the key regions of the larynx internally?
Supraglottis (also called the vestibule): from laryngeal inlet to the false vocal cord
Glottis: from true vocal cords to 1cm below them (narrowest part of the larynx)
Infraglottis: below the glottis until it turns into the trachea
What is the larynx lined with?
Mucous membrane: pseudostratified ciliated columnae epithelium containing goblet cells
-there is a lateral and upwards outpouching of the mucous membrane between the false and true vocal cords: saccule of the larynx
(true vocal cords are lined with a different type of epithelium: stratified squamous epithelium)
What is the function of the saccule of the larynx?
Contains mucous glands which keep true vocal cords moist