L22 - Modern approaches to Exogeneity Flashcards
What used to be the accepted definition of exogeneity?
If the Cov(Xt,ut) = 0
- However, it is very hard to test this hypothesis as the errors are not observables
- Therefore we used the residuals as an estimation of the regression errors
- But the Cov(Xt,ut(hat)) = 0 by construction
- Therefore this cannot be used to test for exogeneity
What is the formal definition of Weak Exogenity?
- regressors are weakly exogenous if we can use them to construct consistent estimates of the unknown parameter in the model
- The concept of weak exogeneity was in Engle, Hendry and Richard ‘Exogeneity’, Econometrica (March 1983)
The equation expresses the probability density or relationship between two random variables - (LHS)
- The right-hand side is saying that we can decompose a joint probability into a conditional probability multiplied by a marginal probability –> P(AnB) = P(A|B) * P(B), therefore f(X,Y) = f(Y|X)*f(X)
X can be treated as exogenous if the β (the parameter we are interested in) is a function of Λ1 - (the parameter from the conditional distribution of Y|X and Λ1 and Λ2 are free to vary independently of each other

Example of Weak form exogeneity?
orthogonal –> statistically independent

How do you test for weak exogeneity?
- With the Hausman Specification Test
- This is a test for endogeneity of the regressor based on the difference between the OLS and the IV estimators. If X is weakly exogenous then the use of the instrumental variable estimator should make little difference to the results - should not be significantly different
If this test is not significant you would choose the OLS estimator as it is consistent and has a lower variance than the IV estimator

What is an easier way to apply the Hausman Specification Test?
- This is the way most people apply this test in practice