L21_The leg and Foot (2) Flashcards
Anterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Tibialis Anterior (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Lateral tibial condyle and shaft of tibia
Insertion: Medial cuneiform
Function: Dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
Innervation: Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve (L4-L5)
Anterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Extensor Digitorum Longus (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Lateral tibial condyle, head fibula and the anterior interosseus membrane
Insertion: dorsum of lateral 4 toes via extensor expansions (middle and distal phalanges)
Functions: Extension of the toes, dorsiflexion of the foot
Innervation: Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve (L5-S1)
Anterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Fibularis (Peroneus) Tertius (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: fibula
Insertion: Dorsum of 5th metatarsal shaft
Function: Dorsiflexion and eversion of the foot
Innervation: deep fibular (peroneal) nerve (L5-S1)
Anterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Extensor Hallucis Longus (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Anterior fibula and interosseus membrane
Insertion: Base of the distal phalanx of hallux
Function: extension of hallux, dorsiflexion of the foot
Innervation: deep fibular (peroneal) nerve (L5, S1)
Lateral compartment of the leg
Describe the Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Head and proximal lateral fibula
Insertion: Medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal (plantar surface)
Function: Eversion and plantar flexion of the foot. Supports lateral longitudinal transverse arch
Innervation: Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
Lateral compartment of the leg
Describe the Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Distal 2/3 of lateral fibula
Insertion: Metatarsal V
Function: Eversion and plantar flexion of the foot
Innervation: Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve (L5-S1-2)
Superficial Posterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Gastrocnemius (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Medial head -> medial femoral condyle
Lateral head -> lateral femoral condyle
Insertion: Dorsum of the calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Function: Flexes the leg at the knee, plantarflexion of the foot at the ankle
Innervation: Tibial nerve (S1,S2)
Superficial Posterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Soleus (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Soleal line, head of the fibula
Insertion: dorsum of the calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Function: Plantarflexion of the foot at the ankle
Innervation: tibial nerve (S1,S2)
Superficial Posterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Plantaris (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Lateral supracondylar line
Insertion: Posterior Calcaneus
Function: weak knee flexion and weak plantar flexion
Innervation: Tibial nerve (S1,S2)
Deep Posterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Flexor Hallucis Longus (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: distal 2/3 of the posterior fibula
Insertion: Base of the distal phalanx of hallux
Function: plantarflexion of the foot at the ankle, flexion of the hallux, inversion of the foot
Innervation: Tibial nerve (S2,S3)
Deep Posterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Flexor Digitorum Longus (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Posterior Tibia distal to soleal line
Insertion: Base of the distal phalanx of lateral 4 toes
Function: plantar flexion, toe flexion (lateral 4 toes), inversion of the foot
Innervation: Tibial nerve (L4-L5)
Deep Posterior compartment of the leg
Describe the Tibialis Posterior (origin, insertion, function, innervation)
Origin: Posterior tibia, fibula and interosseous membrane
Insertion: Navicular, cuboid, cuneiforms, sustentaculum tali of calcaneus and bases of metatarsals 2-4
Function: Plantar-flexion and inversion of the foot (supports the medial longitudinal arch)
Innervation: Tibial nerve (L4-L5)
Describe the neurovascular supply to the leg (NERVE)
Common fibular nerve
- > deep fibular nerve (motor innervation to the ANTERIOR compartment of the leg - Sensory innervation to the space between digits I - II)
- > Superficial fibular nerve (motor innervation to the LATERAL compartment of the leg - Sensory innervation to the lateral side of the leg and the dorsum of the foot))
Tibial nerve (motor innervation to the POSTERIOR compartment of the leg)
- > Medial plantar nerve
- > Lateral plantar nerve

Describe the neurovascular supply to the leg (ARTERY)
Popliteal artery splits into anterior and posterior tibial artery
- > Anterior tibial artery: Pierces through the interosseous membrane and gives blood supply to the ANTERIOR compartment of the leg
- > Posterior tibial artery: Gives blood supply to the POSTERIOR compartment of the leg
the posterior tibial artery gives off a branch called the fibular artery
-> Fibular artery: Gives blood supply to the LATERAL compartment of the leg
Discuss the tarsal tunnel (contents in order)
From anterior to posterior
Tom: Tibialis Posterior
Dick: Flexor Digitorum Longus
And: Posterior tibial artery
Very: Posterior tibial vein
Nervous: Tibial nerve
Harry: Flexor Hallucis Longus

Explain the function of the synovial sheaths around the tendons of the leg
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When the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle is going to get pulled further and wrap around the sustentaculum tali of calcaneus in order to lengthen the pully system of this muscle and get much more of a stringer flexion of the first digit