L20_The Leg and Foot (1) Flashcards
Describe the proximal tibiofibular joint (classification, articulations, reinforcing ligaments and structures, movements)
Classification: synovial plane and gliding joint
Articulation: head of the fibula with the fibular notch on the lateral tibial condyle
Reinforcing ligaments and structures: anterior and posterior ligaments of the head of the fibula
Movement: up and downward gliding to accommodate for movement of he ankle

Describe the middle tibiofibular joint (classification, articulations, reinforcing ligaments and structures, movements)
Classification: solid syndesmosis joint interosseous membrane
Articulations: Shafts and distal articulating surfaces of tibia and fibula
Reinforcing ligaments and structures: interosseous membrane
Movements: up and downward gliding to accommodate for movement at the ankle

Describe the distal tibiofibular joint (classification, articulations, reinforcing ligaments and structures, movements)
Classification: Solid syndesmosis joint
Articulations: Shafts and distal articulating surfaces of tibia and fibula
Reinforcing structures and ligaments: anterior, posterior and transverse tibiofibular
Movements: up and downward gliding to accommodate for movements at the ankle

Identify the bones with the corresponding numbers

- Phalanges
- Metatarsals
- Tarsals
- Proximal phalange
- Middle phalange
- Distal phalange
- Medial cuneiform
- Intermediate cuneiform
- Lateral cuneiform
- Cuboid
- Navicular
- Talus
- Calcaneus
The particularity of the sesamoid bones on digit I

Function: modify pressure along the hallux, diminish friction, alter the direction of muscle pull. Extend the tendon and the muscle pull of the big toe
Common injuries: Sesamoiditis, sesamoid fractures
Possible causes: forefoot running, sports that require you to stay in the position of the forefoot strike “catcher’s stance”

Describe the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP) (classification, bone articulation, reinforcing ligaments, movements)
Classification: Condyloid
Bone articulations: Head of metatarsals and bases of proximal phalanges
Reinforcing ligaments: plantar and 2 collateral ligaments for each
Movements: flexion/extension, abduction/adduction
Describe the interphalangeal joint (classification, bone articulations, reinforcing ligaments, movements)
Classification: Hinge joint
Bone articulations: Bases and heads of adjoining phalanges
Reinforcing ligaments: plantar and collateral ligaments
Movements: flexion and extension
Describe the cuneonavicular joint (classification, bone articulations, reinforcing ligaments, movements)
Classification: plane and gliding
Bone articulations: cuneiforms and navicular
Reinforcing ligaments: Dorsal (3) and plantar (3) cuneonavicular ligaments (to each cuneiform)
Movements: slight gliding
Describe the Tarsometatarsal joint (classification, bone articulations, reinforcing ligaments, movements)
Classification: plane and gliding
Bone articulations: base of metatarsals, 3 cuneiforms and cuboid
Reinforcing ligaments: dorsal, plantar and interosseous ligaments
Movements: slight gliding
Describe Calcaneocuboid joint (classification, bone articulations, reinforcing ligaments, movements)
Classification: plane/gliding
Bone articulations: calcaneus and cuboid
Reinforcing ligaments: dorsal and plantar calcaneocuboid and long plantar ligament
Movements: inversion/eversion
Describe Talocalcaneonavicular joint (classification, bone articulations, reinforcing ligaments, movements)
Classification: Plane and gliding (partially ball and socket)
Bone articulations: Talus, navicular, calcaneous
Reinforcing ligaments: plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament
Movements: gliding and slight rotation, inversion/eversion/circumduction
describe the anatomical subtalar joint (classification, bone articulations, reinforcing ligaments, movements)
Classification: plane and gliding
Bone articulations: Talus and calcaneus (posterior aspect of bones)
reinforcing ligaments: posterior, medial and lateral talocalcaneal and interosseous talocalcaneal ligaments
Movements: inversion/eversion

Bones and ligaments of the foot form three arches relative to the ground that absorb and distribute downward forces
Describe the medial longitudinal arch (reinforcing ligaments, keystone)
Reinforcing ligaments:
- plantar aponeurosis
- plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament
- long plantar ligament
- short (calcaneocuboid) plantar ligament
Keystone: Talus
Bones and ligaments of the foot form three arches relative to the ground that absorb and distribute downward forces
Describe the lateral longitudinal arch (reinforcing ligaments, keystone)
Reinforcing ligaments:
- plantar aponeurosis
- plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament
- Long plantar ligament
- Short (calcaneocuboid) plantar ligament
Keystone: Cuboid
Bones and ligaments of the foot form three arches relative to the ground that absorb and distribute downward forces
Describe the Transverse arch (reinforcing ligaments, keystone)
Reinforcing ligaments:
- intrinsic ligaments of the foot
- tendon of fibularis (peroneus) longus and tibialis posterior
Keystone: intermediate cuneiform
Tell me the passive support ligaments and dynamic stability from muscles of the leg and intrinsic foot
- Long plantar ligament (between the calcaneus and part of the metatarsal bones)
- Short plantar ligament
- Spring ligament (calcaneonavicular)
- plantar apeneurosis
- Tendon of tibialis posterior
- Tendon of Fibularis longus

Describe the ankle joint (classification, bone articulations, reinforcing ligaments, movements)
Classification: synovial uniaxial hinge joint (modified hinge joint)
Bone articulations: Deep socket formed by malleoli of tibia and fibula (medial and lateral malleolus), articulating inferior surfaces of tibia and fibula and superior surface of the talus bone
Reinforcing ligaments:
Medial collateral (deltoid) ligament:
- Tibiocalcaneal
- Tibionavicular
- Anterior and Posterior tibiotalar
Lateral collateral ligament:
- Anterior and Posterior talofibular
- Calcaneofibular
Movements: dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
What is dorsiflexion?
decrease in the angle measuring from the dorsum of the foot
What is plantarflexion?
Decrease in the angle measuring form the plantar surface of the foot
Describe the medial collateral (deltoid) ligaments
Limits plantarflexion
- Anterior Tibiotalar
- Tibionavicular
Limits dorsiflexion
- Posterior Tibiotalar
- Tibiocalcaneal
Describe the lateral collateral ligaments
Limits dorsiflexion
- Posterior talofibular
- Calcaneofibular
Limits plantarflexion
- Anterior Talofibular
What’s inversion and eversion?
Lifting the medial plantar surface of the foot “pointing in”
Lifting the lateral plantar surface of the foot ‘pointing externally”

Describe supination and pronation of the foot
Combination of movements at the ankle
Plantar-flexion + inversion
Dorsiflexion + eversion