L2.1 - An Energy Mix-Up Flashcards
What does it mean to be energy secure?
Affordable and competitively priced
Accessible and available
Energy mix dependent on domestic rather than imported sources of energy
Reliable and uninterrupted
What is energy essential for?
Powering most forms of transport Lighting settlements Warming/cooling homes Powering domestic appliances Vital to modern communications Drives most forms of manufacturing
What is an energy mix?
The combination of different available energy sources used to meet a country’s total energy demand. The exact proportions or mix may vary from country to country.
What are the 4 aspects to the supply side of energy?
What are the primary sources of energy?
Non-renewable fossil or carbon fuels (oil, natural gas and coal) Recyclable fuels (nuclear energy, general waste and biomass) Many types of renewable energy (wind, geothermal, water and solar)
Give examples of non-renewable fossil fuels
Natural gas
Give examples of recyclable fossil fuels
Nuclear energy
General waste
Give examples of renewable fossil fuels
What is energy intensity?
A measure of how efficiently a country is using its energy. It is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP. A high energy intensity indicates a high price or cost of converting energy into GDP. It is generally recognised that energy intensity decreases with economic development: energy is used more efficiently and so the cost per unit of GDP becomes less.
What case study relates to this topic and what are the facts about that case study?
Has the worst score on the international energy security risk index
Over 175% higher risk
Has the world’s largest coal reserves
What recent events occurred in Ukraine?
Russian Annexation of Crimea 2014
Anti-Government Rebels in Eastern Ukraine
Euromaidan revolution in 2014
Economic recession