L2 - OMM Review Flashcards
Which techniques are direct?
Soft tissue, muscle energy, HVLA
Which techniques are indirect?
BLT, FPR and counterstrain
Which techniques are both direct and indirect?
MFR and Still’s technique
Which technique is the only one to use an active activating force?
All others are passive
Describe soft tissue techniques
Direct and repetitive
Direction of force - duration of force
-longitudinal - usually 1-2 seconds and release
-perpendicular - usually 1-2 seconds and release
-inhibitory - hold tissue until release
Describe myofascial release
Passive (active if INR is used)
Direct or indirect, non-repetitive
3D diagnosis in 3 planes
Add release enhancing maneuvers (breathing)
Add INR (activating related muscles to more quickly/effectively release myofascial restrictions)
Describe articulation
Direct, repetitive
Direction of force
-into the restrictive barrier then release, repeat until physiologic motion is restored
-usually a second of force, a second of relaxation
Describe MET
Direct, repetitive
9 different types
Most common type = post isometric relaxation
Activation 3-5 seconds 3-5 times (patient force)
Remember to let pt relax to have the technique work
Describe balanced ligamentous tension
Indirect, non repetitive
Place in position of ease
Activating force - breathe, inherent forces
Describe FPR
Indirect, non-repetitive
Flatten the curve, add compression, place in an indirect position, hold for 5 seconds, release and return to neutral
Describe Still’s technique
Indirect to direct, non repetitive
Place in indirect position, add compression or traction, move through restrictive barrier to physiologic barrier
Describe Counterstrain
Indirect, non-repetitive
Find a significant tenderpoint, establish a pain scale, placed pt in position of ease, hold for 90 seconds, slowly return to neutral, recheck
Describe HVLA
Direct, non repetitive
Direct into the restrictive barrier, quick thrust through restrictive barrier to the physiologic barrier
What are the main body regions that can be diagnosed?
Cranial, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, innominates, sacrum, ribs, UE and LE, abd and diaphragm
Which movements can the OA perform?
Flexion or extension
Sidebending and rotation occur in opposite directions