L2 - Multi Store Model Flashcards
Who was the first memory experimentalist?
Herman Ebbinghaus
What did Ebbinghaus find in his first memory experiments and how?
Studied long lists of nonsense syllables, attempting to memorise them. Discovered general patterns: law of repetition, law of forgetting and the learning curve.
What does the multi-store model suggest?
That memory can be divided into three different stores: sensory, short term and long term memory.
What is the function of sensory memory?
To keep sensory information in mind to enable us to attend to it if we want or need to.
What are the features of sensory memory?
- holds sensory information very briefly.
- is modality specific
What types of sensory memory are there?
- iconic
- echoic
- haptic
- olfactory
- gustatory
What is iconic memory?
for vision
What is echoic memory?
for hearing
What is haptic memory?
for touch
What is olfactory memory?
for smell
What is gustatory memory?
for taste
After how long does information in the iconic memory store dissipate?
Around 500ms
What did Sperling (1960) find out about iconic memory?
Partial report conditions enabled the total number of letters recalled to be higher, when there is little tone delay. Shows that iconic memory store is large, but has to perceive the information in time.
What is the function of short term memory?
To consciously process information
What can short term memory also be called?
Working memory