L2 - Choson and Korean "trasition" Flashcards
Which part of the Choson period played important role on the peninsula?
Latter half of the Choson dynasty
Core Principles of Confucian Social Theory?
- Human relationships are [hierarchical by nature]; public and private spheres are interdependent
- Laws are mechanisms by which the ruler helps to cultivate the common people’s innate potential for perfectable [morality], not external constraints
What time period is Choson society?
Key characteristics of Choson?
- highly structured, patrilineal descent groups
- Important role of lineage in government organization and political process
- Caste system 种姓制度, with some regard for meritocratic 经营管理的 advancement at the higher levels
The three factors of Confucianism (by upper class) ?
- Life of scholarship
- Ritual仪式 purity (ancestral rites)
- Conspicuous 明显的 class boundaries (ex. Yangban aristocracy贵族, <10%)
Different levels of social organization of Choson (3)
- Yangban elites – Scholars/officials, learned class
- Chungin/Yangmin/Sangmin - “good people” - farmers, merchants, craftsmen; carried the burden of taxation, military service, and communal labor
- Ch’onmin - “base people”/lowborn - slaves & people with “base” professions, e.g., butchers, leatherworkers, shamans, actors/entertainers
What are the criterion for Yangban status?
- Clear line of aristocratic descent from “distinguished ancestor” until criterion for Yangban
- Elite status was socially defined, not legally prescribed by the state.
- Hereditary aristocracy controlled access to political power
Is social class determined by birth/genealogy or achievement? How about achievement?
- Birth/genealogy
- strictly maintained by both law and custom
- achievement is also stressed, through the system of governance based on Confucian learning
How does Confucian values impact on society? Is Confucianism just relate to Chinese?
- Synthesized Confucian values and indigenous traditions for maximum stability
- Confucianism is not necessarily Chinese
- Severe limits on the diversity of the ruling class
(late Choson Social organization) What is Kinship and caste structure? In the perspective of women?
- Gendered dichotomy: inside (nae) kin + outside (oe)kin–>woman is always “outside” kin: X’s wife;
Y’s daughter - But in practical matters, women are inside and men outside
How is Kinship and caste structure in Aristocrat-bureaucracy?
kinship principles of aristocratic succession + meritocracy in state-controlled exams
What is primogeniture长子继承权?
Primary line over collateral lines (eldest son is seat of family trust) (No fraternal succession or equal inheritance
Will secondary sons and Yangban woen have inheritance rights in Choson caste system?
No, even within the upper caste
What are some rules in Sadaebu- Aristocrat official?
- depend on land wealth (for economic survival to maintain family assets)
- used principles of inheritance to monopolize political power + economic resources
- Support the state by supplying a stable reservoir of civil servants
Q: Why does the Scholar-Official/Aristocrat system of governance maintain the longevity of Choson?
Aristocrats’ self-interest and state interests overlap
(“…relating descent so closely to political structure, lineages had to make the preservation of the state’s viability the condition of their own survival.”)
How does Diplomacy has an impact on Choson period?
- Prolonged peace + well managed relations between Japan and China
What 3 points are highlighted in the Choson?
- Diplomacy: prolonged peace and well managed relations between Japan + China
- Secure welfare of citizenry (sufficient agricultural production; steady labor supply )
- Vernacular本国的 fiction + folk arts developed–> - flourishing popular culture
Factors that destabilize the late Choson society?
- Rigid Korean political organization & social system
- Prolonged peace–>declined military& inability to defend territory
- Increased factionalism –>Dispersed power
- Prosperity –>population growth
competition for resources
–>need to shift from a strictly agricultural economy to a proto-capitalist资本主义one
-other points: resistant to change + slow to adapt; increasing commercialism brings more movement/exposure to goods/trade
Is stability of Choson a good thing? How is the adaptability?
- Not necessary, it leads to conditions of later instability
- The vested interests of Choson elites contributes to the government’s inability to adapt to the demands of 19th century diplomacy (global contact).
- contact with the west
Is China decentering?
- yes, relative /positional understanding of geography.
- Cultural Chauvinism盲目的爱国主义: a pre-Europe-centered world-view
- which help Korean to realize their Euro-centric understanding of early modern history