L17: Stages of the Family Life Cycle Flashcards
In terms of loose and tight boundaries, what boundaries do healthy families have?
- Boundaries that are flexible and neither too tight nor too loose. Support is available, but not too smothering
Describe tight boundaries in family
- family disengaged, minimal contact, insufficient support, insufficient structure
How does a pts behavior relate to a family system? Are these two things separate?
- No, these are not separate - Pts behavior may be indicative of things occurring in family. Family, rather than individual might actually be the pt.
Characteristics of communication in poorly functioning family.
- Double bind communication, general, ambiguous and inconsistent
Describe process of anxiety and symptom developmental at transitional points in developmental process of families.
- Greatest stress typically occurs at transition points in the developmental process. - Transitional points: marriage, birth, adoption, divorce, deployment, death, incarceration etc. - Heightened stress levels often lead to symptom development - Stress during earlier transition point may re-appear as symptomatology during a later transition point - In addition to stressors from life cycle transitions, also come from chronic illness, unemployment, war, economic disaster.
Describe feedback loops seen in family systems.
- Positive feedback loops: behavior increases a second behavior, which in turn increases first behavior. Leads to chaos - Negative feedback loops: increase in behavior in one place causes a parallel decrease somewhere else. Leads to maintenance of balance
Using Murray Bowen’s family systems concepts, what area are physicians sometimes implicated in?
- Triangles
List subsystems within a family. List larger systems that subsume families
- Subsystems: individual, marital/partnership, sibling, parental - Larger systems: neighborhood, religious community, community/city, nation
List and describe concepts from Murray Bowen’s family systems.
- Differentiation of self: being able to think critically about emotional issues within family rather than acting out those feelings, taking responsibility for self without blaming or making demands - Fusion: opposite of differentiation of self. Rational thinking overwhelmed by emotion, two or more individuals lack boundaries bw them, occurs when family is highly stressed - Dyads are unstable because conflicts occur. Why? No two people are identical - Triangles occur: third person brought into conflict. Normal common phenomenon, higher stress more people triangulated in, two insiders, one outsider, positions shift, stabilize relationship, but differentiation difficult because dyad relies on third party for stability
Describe loose boundaries in family
- family enmeshed, subsystem boundaries weak, in-laws overinvolved, parents/children don’t have differentiated roles, individuality is met with strong resistance
Describe triangulation/triangles according to Murray Bowen
- third person brought into conflict. Normal common phenomenon, higher stress more people triangulated in, two insiders, one outsider, positions shift, stabilize relationship, but differentiation difficult because dyad relies on third party for stability
How are family systems similar to biological systems?
- Family systems seek homeostasis just as living organisms
Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity. Which is associated with better health outcomes?
- Intrinsic: someone who sincerely believes in their religion and all its teachings and attempt to live their lives as their religion preaches they should - Extrinsic: method of using religion to achieve non-religious goals, view religion as means to end. - Intrinsic is associated with better health outcomes
Describe differentiation of self according to Murray Bowen
- being able to think critically about emotional issues within family rather than acting out those feelings, taking responsibility for self without blaming or making demands
What is double bind communication?
- When verbal content of a statement says one thing, but non-verbal content, or reaction if person obeys verbal content, says another.
Describe fusion according to Murray Bowen
- opposite of differentiation of self. Rational thinking overwhelmed by emotion, two or more individuals lack boundaries bw them, occurs when family is highly stressed
What is an identified pt?
- Person exhibiting the symptoms, but the symptoms are resulting from the family system as a whole
Characteristics of communication in healthy functioning family.
- Open, honest, consistency between explicit and implicit messages
Describe dyads according to Murray Bowen
- Dyads are unstable because conflicts occur. Why? No two people are identical
Stages of family life cycle
- Leaving home - Joining of families - Families with young children - Families with adolescents - Launching children and moving on in midlife - Families in late-middle age - Families nearing the end of life
What are things to pay attention to when working with pediatric, adolescent, geriatric and adult groups in terms of their families?
- Pediatrics: communicate routinely with both parents - Adolescents: build rapport with adolescent and parents, have time alone with adolescent - Adults: family members significantly enhance or inhibit appropriate use of medical care - Geriatrics: family involvement is often necessary for full information and treatment compliance