L17/18 Quizzes Flashcards
The 1991 Building Act introduced __ into the market who were often trained engineers, architects and other building professionals that competed head-on with local councils to review and issued building consents, carry out inspections and issue code compliance certificates
Private certifiers
Which of the following countries experienced essentially the same leaky building debacle that NZ now faces but so many years earlier? There it was dubbed the leaky condo crisis.
One of the 4 D’s of weathertightness is __ which focuses on the cladding system’s ability to evaporate through ventilation any residual moisture that makes its way past the cladding.
T/F: Although Auckland is home to one third of NZ’s population, it disproportionately represents over three quarters of the county’s WHRS leaky building claims
Arguably the key shortcoming of the WHRS Act 2002 was its:
a. inability to handle multi-unit claims
b. slow process
c. poor structure requiring the involvement of lawyers
d. none of these
Inability to handle multi-unit claims
If eligible WHRS claimants, which DO NOT have a claim against the local council, attempt to avail themselves of the Government’s financial assistance package, the maximum the can expect to receive in FAP funds equates to __ of the remediation cost
The key architectural feature that attracts leaky building stigma is __ cladding
Based on the E2/AS1 Weathertightness Risk Matrix, which one of the following wall cladding systems CANNOT be directly fixed to the building frame regardless of risk level?
a. Plaster
b. Timber weatherboard
c. Fibre-cement sheet
d. None of these (all can be directly fixed)
In __ ductility and capacity design provisions where incorporated in earthquake design standards with this year largely separating buildings that are likely earthquake-prone from those that are probably at or above 34% NPS
Seismic risk management to Building Act 2004 tended to focus on __
Unreinforced masonry
The NZ Society for Earthquake Engineering developed a grading scheme of three risk classes based on how a building compares to the ___
New Building Standard
T/F: Councils taking an active approach to managing earthquake prone buildings tend to conduct detailed engineering evaluation reports at their own cost with building owners commissioning elaborate IEP reports if initial findings are below 24% NBS
T/F: Under the Building Act 2004 Councils have the authority to condemn buildings when owners fail to address seismic issues outlined in a section 124 notice
Based on the map of risk zones for strengthening, which is core to the government’s May 2015 shift towards a targeted earthquake-prone building policy, Auckland lies within a __
Low Risk Area
Under the May 2015 revised government policy towards addressing earthquake-prone buildings, heritage building owners are provided a __-year extension on top of the standard time frames which vary by risk area
Iconic buildings such as the Parliament House can warrant costly seismic upgrades including Seismic ___ which separates the superstructure from original foundation by layers of steel and rubber and not visible post-installation
Base isolation
T/F: According to the analysis of 2011-14 lease transactions in Auckland and Wellington, Filippova & Rehm found both markets experienced significant office rent discounts associated with low NBS ratins
Despite being in a low risk area, insurance premiums have increased by approximately __ in the Auckland CBD office market since Canterbury earthquakes