L12: NZ Building Act/Code Flashcards
What is the building Act?
The legislation that contains the legal powers to make and enforce the Building Code
Creates management framework of building control systems and assigns responsibilities that regulate building work
What are the Act’s 3 statutory purposes?
- To provide necessary controls for building work and use of buildings
- To ensure buildings are safe/sanitary and have means of escape from fire
- To co-ordinate building controls
What are the 7 principles of the Act?
- Safeguarding people’s well being
- Limiting spread of fire
- Prevent environmental impacts of hazardous substances
- Protection of other property affected by work
- Facilities for people with disabilities
- Conservation of energy
- National costs of building control system
- Sustainable development
What does the building Act NOT control?
Comfort and convenience
Value for money
What is the building Code
Lays down functional requirements for a building and sets out the performance to be achieved in fulfilling those requirements
What it the structure of performance-based codes?
Purpose - states social objectives in terms of human needs
Functional requirements - describes functions of buildings and their components to meet purpose
Performance - states expected performance of buildings and components to fulfill requirements (brief - specific measurement, or detailed - description)
What are compliance documents?
Building designs that have proven code compliance; Acceptable solutions Verification method Certified products Alternative solutions
How does the Building Code operate?
Performance-based so it encourages technical innovation to employ any solution that meets criteria (also has proven options that comply - compliance documents)
What is the hierarchy of documents starting from the top?
The Building Act Building Regulations (Code) Purpose Functional Requirements Performance --- ^ Mandatory --- Guidance documents: verification methods, acceptable solutions
What organisations are involved with NZ Building Control?
Dept of Building and Housing
What are BCAs and what are they responsible for?
Building Consent Authorities
Responsible for:
- Issues Building Consents, Notices to Fix, Code Compliance Certificates, Compliance Schedules
- Inspects building work for projects given consent
What are TAs and what are they responsible for?
Territorial Authorities Responsible for: - All BCA responsibilities - Issues PIM - Administers Building WOF - Issues Certificates of Acceptance
What is the DBH and what do they do?
Department of Buildings and Housing Manages system that regulates building work; - Reviews building code - Makes compliance documents - Monitors BCAs/TAs - Deals with disputes (determination)
What are the main steps in the building process?
- Apply for PIM (provided within 20 working days)
- Apply for Building Consent - processed by BCA within 20 working days
- Once consent is given, start building (must start within 12 months and be completed within 2 years of consent; design changes require amended consent)
- Co-ordinate building inspections with BCA
- Final sign off (CCC)
^ Final step for residential house with no lift - Ongoing maintenance - issues compliance schedule
What are LBPs and what do they do?
Licensed Building Practitioners - must carry out/supervise restricted work
What are the categories of buildings under LBP rules?
Category 1 - single household dwelling with low/medium risk envelope design
Category 2 - single household dwelling with high risk envelope design OR not SH dwelling but less than 10m to uppermost finished floor
Category 3 - not a SH dwelling AND over 10m to uppermost finished floor
What are LBP license classes?
Site - overseeing construction (category 1/2/3) Design - preparing drawings and specs for consent (category 1/2/3) Trades - provides specialised building work - Bricklaying and blocklaying - Carpentry - External Plastering - Foundations - Roofing
What licence class can perform all restricted building work in a typical timber framed house?
What is the owner-builder exemption?
Change to Building Act allowing owner-builder to do restricted work if they are an individual, have legal interest and lives in the property, does the work themselves, and submits statutory declaration showing design and work to be done (electrical, plumbing, drainage limited - separate legislation)
= Legally accountable to future
What are acceptable solutions?
Technical solutions provided by the Department of Building and Housing that prescribe particular method/material
What are verification methods?
Tests recognised as proving Building Code Compliance
What are certified products?
Proprietary systems certified as meeting Building Code provisions with legal status (must be accepted) - CodeMark
What are alternative solutions?
For unique situations that require situations that require innovative design or when new technologies are proposed as solutions; can be proven through testing, comparison with another solution, or technical data from manufacturer (BRANZ; no legal status)
What are Building Consents?
Consent for building work to begin in accordance with the approved plans and specs
What are Notices to Fix?
Notice of remedial work to be done to fully comply with the Code (can fine $200k +$20k/day)
What are Code Compliance Certificates?
Certificate issued at completion of building work confirming that the work conforms with building consent; required for sale
What are Compliance Schedules?
Document that lists the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures for systems in a building to ensure safe operation
What is a PIM?
Project Information Memoranda - report issued before or with building consent that lists any other requirements under Acts other than the Building Act and any other info relevant to the project
What is a Building Warrant of Fitness?
Annually after Compliance Schedule issued; TAs do spot checks
What are Certificates of Acceptance?
Issued in special circumstances where unconsented building work has been done (cannot be issued if work has building consent)
What can an owner do if the BCA does not issue a CCC?
They can apply to the DBH for a determination or apply for a Certificate of Acceptance instead
At what stages are inspections typically carried out? (step 4 of Building Process)
Foundation Framing and insulation Plumbing Drainage Claddings and flashing Finished building
What are Energy Work Certificates?
Issued by licensed professionals after inspecting gas and electrical work (step 4 of Building Process)
What is restricted work?
Work so critical that if done badly it has the potential to cause harm or costly damage