L15: Ventilatory Support Techniques (Shih) Flashcards
Bellow with hole will deliver iso + air to patient, and patient will get light***
Bellow might still work!
-check for leak by filling with water
Ascending bellow better than descending bellow***
Stops going up and down if connection to patient lost
Compliance = ***
Change in lung volume/change in lung pressure
C = change V/change P
Easy to over-ventilate patients with low compliance.
PEEP causes decreased CO***
Alveoli always partially inflated, so extra air resists bloodflow and decreases CO.
-can give fluids, dobutamine, norepi, etc. to help heart while you help lungs with PEEP
Recruitment manuever
Series of increasing PEEP to open up more alveoli
Causes of hypoxia. Which can be fixed with ventilation?
- low FiO2
- hypoventilation
- shunt
- V/Q mismatch
- diffusion impairment
All fixable except diffusion impairment
See perfusion pic
Patients with dead space tend to get better with oxygen supplementation
Disease like aspiration pneumonia decreases compliance***
Type 2 ventilatory distress
Brain/neck origin
60-80% chance coming off ventilator, since lungs intact and normal
Type 1 ventilatory distress
Primary lung problem (ie. Pneumonia)
-30-40% chance coming off ventilator
Complications of ventilatory support***
- Oxygen toxicity (atelectasis, low surfactant, free radicals)
- thromboembolism
- pneumothorax
- acute lung injury
Prevention of ARDS***
- low volume, high frequency ventilation
- high PEEP
- “Hypovolemia”
- neuromuscular blockers with sedation (ie. High dose propofol)
(Acute Resp. Distress Syndrome)
- 80% mortality in vet med
- pulmonary edema
- high alveolar permeability
- collapsed alveoli
- inflammatory cells –> lung inflammation –> cytokine release –> massive sepsis