L15 - Alcohol Flashcards
Hepatic stellate cells
Fat containing myofibroblasts.
- contractile cell, contraction stimulated by endothelin-1
Increase in platelet derived growth factor will activate hepatic stellate cells into myofibroblasts
Accumulation of fat in hepatocytes
Decrease in bile flow due to impaired secretion by hepatocytes or to obstruction of bile flow.
Substances normally excreted in bile are retained e.g. billirubin
Hepatocyte integrity measured by:
- aspartate aminotransferase AST
- alanine aminotransferase ALT
- lactate dehydrogenase LDH
Function of Kupffer cell and lymphocytes
Release cytokines and chemokines which moldulate the expression of genes in stellate cells that are involved in fibrogenesis.
e.g. TGF-b
Diffuse transformation of entire liver into regenerative parenchymal nodule surrounded by fibrous bands and variable degrees of vascular shunting.
Impaired oestrogen metabolism and consequent hypereoestrogenemia in male patients with chronic liver failure can lead to:
Palmar erythema
- reflection of local vasodilation
Spider naevi
- central pulsating dilated arteriole from which small vessels radiate
Describe portal hypertension in liver
Increased resistance to portal blood flow.
- alteration in sinusoidal endothelial cells that contribute to the intrahepatic vasoconstriction; associated with portal hypertension
What other factors can cause vasoconstriction
- decreased nitric oxide
- increased endothelin-1
- angiotensinogen
Four major clinical clinical consequences of portal hypertension
- Ascites: accumulation excess fluid in peritoneal cavity
- Formation of portosystemic venous shunt
- Congestive splenomegaly
- Hepatic encephalopathy
Morphology of hepatic steatosis
- lipid droplets accumulate in hepatocytes
- lipid begins as small droplets
coalesce into large one which distend the hepatocyte - nucleus pushed aside
Describe alcoholic (steato-) hepatitis
Hepatocyte swelling and necrosis
- accumulation fat, water and proteins which are normally exported
Inflammation induces production and accumulation of ECM (collagen) from Hepatic stellate cells.
Mallory Denk bodies
- clumped eosinophil material in ballooned hepatocyte
Alcoholic steatofibrosis
- fibrosis begin with sclerosis of central vein
Why are females more susceptible to hepatic injury
LPS - lipopolysaccharide
- oestrogen increases gut permeability to endotoxins
- increased expression of LPS receptor CD14 in Kuppfer cell.
- predisposes to increase production of pro-inflam cytokines and chemo kines
Hepatocellular steatosis occurs because
- normal substrates shunted away from catabolism to lipid biosynthesis, hence increase in reduced NADH
- impaired assembly and secretion of lipoproteins
- increased peripheral catabolism of fat, releasing free fatty acids into circulation
What does the alcohol metabolite acetylaldehyde induce
- lipid peroxidation
- protein adduct formation
Disrupts cytoskeleton and membrane function.
Patients resistant to insulin
- increase in visceral adipose tissue
- decrease in adiponectin (lipid hormone)
- increase in inflammatory cytokines TNF-a , IL-6