L14 to L16 - OS, Assoc and causation Flashcards
Describe Ecologic (Correlational) Study
Using Ppn as unit of observation, Disease rate and E measured in ppn, and relation is examined using aggregated data
Advantage and Disadvantage of Ecologic Study
- Cheap
- Easy to conduct (no need collect more data)
- Can generate hypothesis
- Cannot link E&O to Individuals (only groups)
- High risk of confounding (CFing)
One problem with ecologic study
ECOLOGIC FALLACY: applying results to individuals
- Not true as results can only apply on populations since data is aggregated or group-level
Describe the design of Case report and Case Series
- Case Report: Detailed report of single case
- Case Series: Profile of series of patients
- With respect to factors that could be related to O
Strength and limitation of case report and case series
Strength: Hyp generating
Limitation: No comparison/control group
Using a case report or case series, how is causality attempted to be established?
Challenge - Dechallenge - Rechallenge
i. e. Administer, withdraw, re-administer
(note: if ADR too serious, it is NOT ethical to rechallenge, or even challenge in the first place)
Describe the design of cross-sectional studies (XSS)
An analytical OS where E&O of individuals assessed simultaneously, giving information on PREVALENCE
(i.e. a “snap-shot in time”)
Strength and limitation of XSS
- Efficient (no waiting required)
- Many O and E can be assessed
- No loss to f/u (no f/u involved)
Limitation: Unclear temporal relation btwn E and O
- Hence difficult to establish cause-effect since you don’t know which cause which, and what came first
Describe the design of Cohort study (CohS). State the two subsets of CohS.
Design: Select subjects based on EXPOSURE, then follow to O. The difference between E and uE are analysed for BOTH CohS
- Prospective CohS: O not occured. Subjects followed through time and identified via f/u.
- Retrospective CohS: O occured. Subjects are ID-ed via interview or records. No need f/u
What must be considered when selecting nE group for CohS?
- nE and E should be similar to reduce CFing
2. Collect potential baseline differences that could affect O and account for it
Strengths and limitation of cohort study
- Clear temporal sequence between E and O
- Several O assoc with E can be studied
- Best for rare E
- Can measure O incidence (O over period of time)
- Bad for rare O (rq large n)
- If O takes long to develop, study is inefficient (time-consuming, costly)
- Loss to f/u (LTFU): can form bias
Advantage and disadvantage of rCohS compared to pCohS
- More efficient
- Less control over quality and quantity of data quality of data hence greater potential for bias
Describe the design of case-control study (CCS)
Analytical, retrospective study where subjects are selected based on OUTCOME, and their E compared to find predictors of O
A CCS is to be carried out where the cases have BPH. State the ppn in which you will sample out and use as control. Explain your choice
Ppn: Male without BPH
- Ppn must be AT RISK of developing O
- Female no risk of getting BPH hence not suitable as control
One important point of selecting case and controls respectively for CCS
Case: Selected INDEPENDENTLY of E (i.e. if case, just select, don’t care exposure)
Control: Sample independently of E and represents ppn at risk of becoming cases
Strengths of CCS
- Best for rare O
- Efficient for O that takes long time to develop
- Study multiple E/risk factors for single O
Limitations of CCS
- Not for rare E (use CohS instead)
- Selection of ctrl is difficult
- Data on E may be difficult to get
- Cannot estimate rate of O, but can get relative measure (odds ratio)
- Increased bias as O is already known when assessing exposure (solution: blind the interviewers)
Describe the design of Nested CCS (nCCS)
CCS nested within CohS
- Coh is identified
- Within Coh, identify subjects with O during f/u
- Those with O are now cases for CCS
- Within Coh, select sample from the rest of the Coh. This is the control
- Assess E/risk factors that predicts for O
Strengths and limitations of nCCS
- Efficient as data has already been collected
- Decreased bias compared to CCS as subjects are drawn from SAME ppn
- All other good of CohS
- Resh qns cannot change, hence cannot store materials for later analysis on a sample of study subjects
- If entire Coh data available at no additional hassle, might as well use whole Coh
Distinguish between Risk Ratio (RiR), Rate Ratio (RaR) and Odds Ratio (OR) in terms of:
- Which studies are they used for?
- How they are calculated
- RiR:
- CohS, when subjects are followed for same duration of time
- Formula: Cuin E/Cuin uE - RaR:
- CohS, when subejcts have different lengths of f/u
- Formula: Incidence rate in E/ Incidence rate in uE
- Unit of time when each subject is observed = person-time (e.g. person years) - OR:
- CCS, since RR cannot be calculated directly (less commonly for XSS and CohS)
- Formula: Odds that case was E/ Odds that control was E
(odds of an event = no. events/no. of non-events)
Mathematically, why is OR a good estimate of the risk ratio when O is rare?
Supposed 2x2 table a,b,c,d
a «_space;b and c «_space;d
- Formula for RR:
[a/(a+b)]/[c/(c+d)] ≈ a/b x d/c = ad/bc = OR
Hence OR is a good estimate of the RiR when O is rare
RiR and RaR are classified as
Relative risk
For multiple E groups (more than 2 groups), how to get ratio?
Use the Control group, or least E group as the reference group (denominator for equation)
What information does confidence interval (CI) give? How does it give the information you mentioned?
- Statistical significance: whether it includes 1 in its range
- Precision of a point estimate: The width of the interval