L14- Tissue Repair and Pathologic Calcification Flashcards
define labile tissues, name some examples
- cells are continuously being lost and replaced by tissue stem cells
- possibly controlled by GFs (ex. CSF)
- Ex: intestinal epithelium (crypt cells), epidermis, hemopoietic cells
define stabile tissues, name some examples
- cells are in Go phase
- no stem cells
- if injured, cells have ability to replicate (Go –> G1)
- Ex: liver, kidney, pancreas, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, SM cells
define permanent tissues, name some examples
- cells are terminally differentiated, no ability to divide
- healing in organs => scar formation
- Ex: cardiac myocytes, brain (glial cell proliferation, no scar)
list the conditions where a tissue would heal with scar formation
- extensive injury (any tissue)
- injury to permanent tissue
- undrained pus (ex. abscess)
- foreign body
- some infectious agents
list the 4 steps of scar formation
1) maintenance of hemostasis- stops bleeding
2) inflammation- clears invaders
3) cellular proliferation- epithelial cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts
4) tissue remodeling
The 3rd step of scar formation involves the proliferation of the following cells… (include function)
1) epithelial cells- to cover wound area
2) endothelial cells- angiogenesis (new BVs– supplies nutrients for new cell formation)
3) fibroblasts- ECM formation (collagen III –> I)
- all contribute to granulation tissue
Gross appearance of granulation tissue: (1)
Microscopic appearance: (2)
1- pink, soft, granular appearance
2- fibroblasts, many thin-walled (new) and delicate capillaries, loose ECM (type III collagen) —– mixed with inflammatory cells (macrophages mainly)
Angiogenesis occurs in response to (1), (2), (3); In (3), (4) is produced to enhance angiogenesis.
(NOTE- in adults) 1- tissue repair (following injury) 2- tumors 3- ischemia 4- VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)
list the 7 steps of angiogenesis
1) vasodilation (+ inc vascular permeability, NO mediated)
2) EPC recruitment to injury site (endothelial precursor cell)
3) capillary sprout formation (VEGF)
4) endothelial cell proliferation behind sprout
5) canalization => lumina formation
6) periendothelial cell recruitment
7) endothelial cell proliferation inhibition
Deposition of CT is also called (1). It starts with the (2) of fibroblasts at site of injury and then (3). Some fibroblasts will (4) in order to (5). (1) is followed by (6) and (7).
1- fibroplasia 2- migration and proliferation 3- deposition of ECM 4- differentiate into Myofibroblasts 5- close the wound 6- BV regression 7- scar contraction
(1) is the most important CK involved in fibroplasia as it is involved in the synthesis and deposition of (2); it is generated by (3) cells. (4) and (5) are CKs that are also involved in fibroplasia.
1- TGF-β (transforming GF) 2- CT tissue proteins 3- cells of granulation tissue (fibroblasts, endothelial and epithelial precursors) + M2 macrophages 4- PDGF (platelet derived GF) 5- FGF-2 (fibroblast GF)
how is tissue remodeling controlled
-Collagen + other ECM components are in a continuous state of synthesis and degradation (MMP enzyme)
-must be controlled to withstand mechanical stresses
(Type III collagen –> Type I collagen –> collagen cross-linking [simultaneous with collagen formation and degradation])
cutaneous wound healing can occur either through (1) or (2). (2) has the following steps: (3)
1- regeneration (1st intention)
2- scar formation (2nd intention)
3- hemostasis –> inflammatory phase –> proliferative phase –> remodeling phase
list the steps of the proliferative phase of scar formation in cutaneous wound healing
(3rd step of scar formation- the 2nd intention of skin healing)
- keratinocyte migration
- keratinocyte proliferation
- keratinocyte differentiation –> into stratified squamous epithelium
- reconstitution of basement membrane
In the remodeling phase of scar formation in cutaneous wound healing, the scar becomes stronger because of (1) and (2) after synthesis of (3) discontinues. The tensile strength of scar reaches up to (4)% of it original strength.
1- excessive collagen synthesis
2- structural modifications of collagen fibers (cross-linking, inc fiber size)
3- collagen
4- 80%