L14: EPAs Revision Flashcards
What are the 3 ES used for muscle stimulation?
- High voltage galvanic stimulation (HVGS)
- Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
What are the 3 ES used for pain relief?
- Interferential (IFT)
- Modulated medium frequency (2 pole ‘IF’)
What are 3 other modalities for pain relief (not ES)?
- Ice
- hot pack
- wax
What is the summary table for EPAs look like?
What curve does the FES have?
What curve does the HVGS have?
Double peak
What is the electrode placement for EPAs look like?
When do you use ramping?
For motor nerves to stimulate activity
What is the timing for sensory (pain relief) ER application for pain gating?
- 10‐20 mins
- Pain relief short lived, only while treatment is on and for up to 1 hour after treatment
What is the timing for sensory (pain relief) ER application for descending inhibition/endorphin effect (endogenous)?
- At least 20mins
- 2‐3 hours relief (more useful than short term pain relief)
What are 4 things that must be considered for the timing of ES application?
- Consider effect trying to achieve:
- Strengthening
- Endurance
- Nb. Treatment time based on work/rest time + no. of reps
- But also need to consider:
- Fatigue
- Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
- Individual patient characteristics, aims of treatment
What is the 3 specific dosage for pain relief for the sensory application for pain gating in TENS?
- short duration pulses/narrow width : 60‐100μs
- fast/high pulse rate: 80‐200pps
- Intensity until ‘strong but comfortable’
What is the 2 specific dosage for pain relief for the sensory application for pain gating in IFT?
- Eg 80‐120Hz, 90‐100Hz, 100‐199Hz, constant 100Hz
- Larger sweep if you want an effect on swelling 0‐100Hz, 80‐ 150Hz
Why do you need a rnage of options for the dosage in ES application?
Need a range of options because every patient will respond differently and you need to be able to modify dosage for effective treatment
What is the 3 specific dosage for descending inhibition/endorphin effect (endogenous analgesia) for the sensory application for pain gating in TENS?
- Long duration/wide pulse width 150‐200μs
- Slow/low pulse rate 1‐5 pps
- Intensity as strong as patient can tolerate
What are the 2 specific dosage for descending inhibition/endorphin effect (endogenous analgesia) for the sensory application for pain gating in IFT?
- 10‐25Hz, 20‐25Hz, constant 10Hz
- Well below 30-35 where you might get muscle contraction (motor nerve stimulated)
What are the 5 specific dosage for retraining muscle activity for the motor application in HGVS?
- 30‐50Hz (can be higher if no response)
- Strength 4 sec hold, 12 sec rest
- Endurance longer hold times
- Progress by increasing rest time so patient can hold the contraction themselves
- Work out timing by adding hold and rest times together
When using HVGS, what patient position would you use to treat a patient who has a 10 degree quads lag due to Vastus medialis weakness?
Sitting with knee in extension (go against gravity) = long sitting