L12 - Diversification: Adaptive Radiation Flashcards
What is adaptive radiation?
- Adaptation: Evolutionary changes shape traits allowing organisms to adapt to their environment, and convey fitness advantages
- Radiation: A sudden abundance of open niches
Define ecological niche!
- The specific place a species holds in its biotic and a biotic environment
- E.g., the physical space where it feeds/reproduces etc, role it plays in the food chain of its community, and its interactions with other organisms
- No two species can occupy the same niche: one will outcompete the other
Example: What are some components of the niche of a squirrel in Montreal?
- Trees & ground
- Pizza, contents of my bird feeder (raccoons will go into the compost whereas squirrels will not )
- Active during the day (VS raccoons are active at night)
- Cat predates squirrels, but probably not raccoons
What kind of scenario would suddenly cause an abundance of unfilled niches?
- Extinctions & mass extinctions
- Large-scale disturbances that modify the habitat (fire, hurricanes, earthquakes)
- Dispersal to a new environment (like an island)
- Evolution of traits that open up new niche opportunities (e.g., birds learning to fly)
Physical opening of new niches?
- Galapagos Islands: Darwin’s finches
- East African Rift (plate divergence) Lake: one of largest adaptive radiations we see today
- 250 M Cichlids
Emptying niches: End-Cretaceous Extinction
- Mass extinction (meteor impact and possibly other factors)
- <90% of mammal species may have been
lost during the End-Cretaceous extinction
too - Loss of dinosaurs = abundance of empty niches
- Led to incredible adaptive radiation in mammal species, that continues to this day
Why did mammals recover and dinosaurs
did not?
- Small size: Fast reproduction rate (could fill niches quite rapidly)
- Generalist habit: could survive on a diverse
range of foods (not picky eaters)
Another example of adaptive radiation: Cambrian Explosion
- Rapid emergence of new traits: hard bodies, predation, eyes - creating new niches
- Increased levels of O2 created new environmental niches
Adaptive radiation of Angiosperms (flowering plants)
- Experienced an extreme adaptive radiation after initial emergence of the innovation
- Angiosperm species increased at the expense of all other plant groups
- New pollination niches
- Major diversification of angiosperm pollinators and angiosperms
- First angiosperms arose in forests dominated by conifers
- Angiosperms grow faster than conifers
- Lots of annual angiosperms
- Decomposing angiosperm leaves tend to make the soils more neutral, where conifers tend to prefer more acidic soils
What is convergent evolution?
- INDEPENDENT evolution of a particular trait in two or more (unrelated) lineages where the ancestors of these lineages didn’t already have these traits
- Tusks in mammoths and elephants is not an example, they have a common ancestor
- Wings in birds of different species = example of convergent evolution
- Duck bill and platypus = convergent
- Legless lizards and snakes = convergent
Flight and convergent evolution?
- Shown up in evolution at least 4 times in very diverse lineages
- Common ancestors of mammals and birds were flightless, the “wing” limb that they shared has evolved in different ways
Venom injection and convergent evolution?
- Different lineages of venom injecting snakes cobras and vipers (not related)
- Platypi (from their feet)
- Insects
Plants and convergent evolution?
- The North American cactus and the African Euphorb (not a cactus, but looks like one) didn’t share a common ancestor since before the continents split apart
- Common ancestor looks nothing like either of them, and yet they both look very similar and occur in similar environments
Crab body-plan and convergent evolution?
- Carcinization: urge to become a crab
- Good body plan: protective, can move very fast, ecologically successful
- Whole lineage that is “false crabs”, imitating crabs body structure
- Also: urge to become a worm
Photosynthesis and convergent evolution??
Phylogeny of seed plants shows that alternative photosynthesis paths evolved independently many times in diverse lineages
What is the mechanism of convergent evolution?
- Natural selection and its selective forces can manifest similarly on organisms that are in similar environments/occupying similar ecological niches
- Sometimes, relatively small number of mutations required to make a given trait in a given lineage
What is mimicry?
- Selective pressures causing one species to evolve to resemble the another
- Ex: non-toxic species evolving to resemble an unrelated toxic/dangerous one to deter predation
- More energy conserving than actually being toxic alone
What is parallel evolution?
- Similar development of a trait in distinct species that are not closely related, but share a similar original trait, in response to similar evolutionary pressure
Example of parallel evolution: Mammals
- Placental mammals (us) and marsupials (with pouches) diverged 100M years ago (had a common ancestor)
- The two lineages were geographically isolated but still have evolved really similarly
- Australia: evolved a marsupial that looks a lot like a wolf, and north America evolved actual wolves
- Also an Australian equivalent of an ocelot
What is the founder effect?
- New population colonizing an “island” = Founder Population
- Smaller than source population
- Reduced genetic diversity
- May also have harmful recessive founder mutations
- Example for deleterious mutation among humans: carrier gene for sickle cell anemia
- Founder mutation: rare mutation in one of the founding members of a population
- Ex: Tristan da Cunha
Does the founder effect lead to faster evolution?
- Small gene pools allow for increased chances that a new mutation spreads quickly
What is the genetic bottleneck effect?
- Island colonization or intense population reduction (near extinction)
- Genetic diversity is reduced: weakening the population’s ability to adapt to selective pressures
How do we expect degree of genetic diversity to differ between say African and American populations?
- All Homo sapiens’ genes moved out of Africa on pretty recent timescales
- Today we see:
- Europe has lower genetic diversity
- Africa has higher genetic diversity
- South America has lowest genetic diversity
- Greater proportion of deleterious mutations in European populations