L11 Tosh - Predators, parasites, herbivores and the impacts on popualtions Flashcards
Describe the occurrence of the Myxoma virus in Australia
- Myxoma originates in S.America where it has little effect on native rabbits
- Introduced to the UK in 1950s and within 2 years, 95% of the rabbit population were dead
- Virus lethality declined - resistant rabbits lived and reproduced, or less lethal strains of the virus survived, or virus changed over time
- rabbit population is now recovered
Describe what a Parasitoid is
- mainly hymenoptera
- host is killed
- host can be an egg, larvae, pupa or adult
- Hyperparasitiods exist
Describe 4 defence types plants have against herbivores
- Chemical - noxious or poisonous
- Mechanical - structures such as thorns
- Nutritional - less nutritious for grazers (less N and P)
- Tolerance - adapting to regrow quickly
Indirectly what do mechanical plant defences such as spines do?
The attracts relatively high insect herbivore species richness and population
Give an example of delayed density dependent coupled oscillations
Lynx and Snowshoe hare
- Flux in a 10 year cycle
- hare reproductive rates peak several years before hare densities reach a maximum
- they then drop for 2-3 years after lynx peaks
How might good supply cause the lynx rabbit oscillations?
- at peak hare densities vegetation is short, and is a problem for the hairs
- some hare populations didn’t have a lack of food, and some didn’t recover when given food
How might predation cause the lynx rabbit oscillations?
Up to 95% of hares are killed by predation
- birth-rates drop as the hare population drops
- they only slowly recover after the number of predators falls
- poor physical condition of hairs at low population density
What did the manipulative experiments done by Krebs in the lynx and rabbits show?
That both predation and food supply individually had small effects, but combined they had a major effect on the hare population
Sometimes there seems to be no link between predator and prey numbers, why is this?
- Predators and prey don’t live in a 2 species environment
- Even if there were only 2 species, the interaction is still very complex - behaviour, coevolution and specialisation
Define each kind of predator:
a) monophagous
b) Oligophagous
c) Polyphagous
a) monophagous - single prey type (most likely to have coupled oscillations)
b) Oligophagous - a few types of prey
c) Polyphagous - many prey
Why is there pressure on predators to have a specialised choice of prey?
Prey adapt to get away from predators, different prey with different methods; speed, mechanical, poison etc.
Predators cannot specialise/coevolve to all prey adaptations so there is pressure to specialise its hunting to one prey
What is the problem with predators specialising to hunting one or very few kinds of prey?
They become reliant on that prey
What is the amount of time spent on searching and handling for each type of predator:
a) specialist predators
b) generalist predators
a) specialist predators: search time is short compared to handling time
b) generalist predators: search time is long compared to handling time
What is predator switching?
Polyphagous predators select which prey they want.
Preferred prey may change in abundance over a predators lifetime too
How do parasites effect population dynamics?
They have a destabilising effect on population dynamics. They inverse density dependence.
How do parasites effect hosts?
They divert energy away from the host to themselves, reducing survival, reproduction and growth of the host
Host behaviour may change due to parasite
Host defences will have been lowered
What are the ecological effects of parasites and disease?
- may cause near extinction of the host
- may affect hope population dynamics
- wider landscape affects - Asian cryphonectria fungus on American chestnut trees
What effects do herbivores have on plants?
- seed herbivores directly effect the next generation of plants
- grazers are less likely to kill plants
- moderate levels of grazing can alter vegetation structure or soil chemistry - sometimes benefiting the net primary production, but excess grazing is damaging