L11 PHRM20001 - How do we know it works? Flashcards
Phase 1 – Clinical Pharmacology
- 20-50 subjects
- Usually 1/10th of maximum tolerated dose in animals
- Healthy volunteers
- Is the drug safe?
Phase 2 – Clinical Investigation
A) Small group given max therapeutic dose
B) Small group given a range of doses
- 50-300 patients
-Healthy individuals or small number of patients with disease
-What is the appropriate does?
Phase 3- Formal therapeutic trials
- 250-1000+ subjects (randomised and controlled)
- Patients with disease
Phase 4 – Post-marketing studies
- 2000-10,000+ subjects
- Drug now licensed for use
- Surveillance for safety and efficacy
- Subsequent reporting of adverse events in individual patients – monitor side effects including rare, and long-term
How to eliminate bias?
Single or double blind
How to eliminate variability?
Random controlled trials and allocation to treatment is random. Stratified randomisation
How to eliminate confounding issues?
Controls – compare new treatment with no treatment/current treatment
Placebo (“to please” in Latin)
- Need to match the entire process for each treatment group
- Unless have a matching treatment – experiment no longer blind
- Therefore – need a dummy medicine containing no active ingredient (can also be a sham surgery or intervention)
- Participant believes the dummy medicine is or could be the experimental treatment
Opposite of placebo, harmful effects instead
Explanations for the Placebo effect
Decreased anxiety (can have adrenal effect) and patient expectations (disregard -ve events and beneficial behavioural changes)
Nuremberg Code
The Nuremberg Code is a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation set as a result of the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials at the end of the Second World War.
Intra-articular and topical placebo treatments lesser or greater responses than oral ones?
Factors influencing the placebo effect (3)
1) Features of disease
2) Patient factors
3) Provider factors
Homeopathy (placebo effect in play?)
Like cures like. Using the poison causing the disease to treat it in small doses. Activate the vital energy of diluted sample by vigorous shaking and 10 hard strikes against an elastic body. Theory of “water memory”, dilutions > 12C so no original substance left.