L11 - inter-membrane contact sites Flashcards
what are membrane contact sites? (MCS)
close appositions between 2 organelles
Are there membrane contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria?
- yes
- ER holds the mitochondria like a hand - membrane become very close but do not fuse
What does the small lipid anchor have to do with MCS?
- lipid is embedded into the membrane which allows organelles to have affinity/bind to organelles which they are making contact with
How can protien tethers (lipid anchors) and bridges be seen between MCS?
- by electon microscopy
Give some of the functions of MCS?
-provide a membrane platform for
- signalling
- non-vesicular lipid exchange
- mobilization of calcium stores
what organelle is the major calcium store of cells?
ER is major calcium store of cells
- close bringing together of calcium stores via intermembrane contact sites
give the major adaptor protein in mammalian cells
adaptor protein 2
Give the fundamental mechanisms of (clathrin dependent) endocytosis
- ligand binds to transmembrane receptor
- ligand-receptor complexes become clustered in clathrin coated pits
- adaptor protein acts as a link between cargo in the vesicle and vesicle coat (clathrin)
- membrane pinched off by dynamin and early endosome forms containing cargo
what do rab proteins do?
- key in sorting of the early endosome
what rab proteins are abundant on early endosomes?
rab 4
give some clathrin - independent endocytic pathways
- non-coated vesicles
- calveolae
- macropinocytosis
- phagocytosis
what are calveolae?
- cup shaped invagination of membranes
- invaginations form rosettes in muscle cells - store
- rosettes are endocytotic - take up cargo
what happens in macropinocytosis?
- non-selective form of endocytosis where cells take up the EC environment
- immune cells use this to sample environment they are in
-mobilizaiton of actin forms a pseudopod which can take up EC en. - cells ruffle
what does phagocytosis take up?
debris and pathogens
what does clathrin dependent endocytosis take up?
- nutrience
- signalling receptors
How many subunits do adaptor proteins have?
- 4 subunits
which adaptor protein subunit does clathrin bind to?
Beta subunit of adaptor proteins
which adaptor proteins bind to clathrin?
AP1 (trans-golgi-network)
AP2 (plasma membane)
how many adaptor proteins are there?
where is AP5 found?
adaptor protein found on late endosomes (still require sorting)
which subunit of adaptor proteins recognises sorting signals?
Mu (μ)
- cargo binding so recognises sorting signals on cargo
what is co-incidence detection?
- where adaptor proteins bind to cargo and bind to phosphoinositides
(both are required which allows co-localisaiton of adaptor proteins)
-needed as mu subunits recognise similar signals and same cargo/sorting signal may be present in multiple locations.
what phosphoinositides do AP1 and AP2 bind to?
- AP1 binds to cargo and PI4P
- AP2 binds cargo and to PI(4,5)P2
what helps to define the endocytotic intermediates?
rabs and phosphoinositides
different PIs at different places in the cell- lable with GFP to visualise localisations
what are CLASPs?
clathrin associated sorting proteins
what are the recognition motifs on Adaptor proteins?
WxxF and DP[FW]
what is the dynamin homolgue in drosophila?
(GTPase - riquired for pinching off of clathrin coated vesicles)
- accumulation of endocytotic intermediates if dynamin cannot function (at high temperatures)
what removes the clathrin coat?
-clathrin coat needs to be removed to fuse with endosomes