L11 Caecum, Appendix and Colon Flashcards
Most likely spot for obstruction of the colon?
Sigmoid Colon
What does the Superior Mesenteric Artery Supply?
*Ascending colon
*Transverse colon (2/3)
What does the Inferior Mesenteric Artery Supply?
- Transverse colon (1/3)
- Descending colon
- Sigmoid colon
- Rectum & anal canal
Sign of Colon Cancer?
Apple-Core Sign
Widest part of the Colon
Venous Drainage of the Colon?
Innervation of the Ascending and Transverse Colon?
via superior mesenteric plexus from posterior vagal trunk and lower thoracic splanchnic
Innervation of the Descending and Sigmoid Colon?
Via superior/inferior mesenteric and superior hypogastric plexuses from thoracic and lumbar splanchnics
Via inferior hypogastric plexuses from S2-S4 pelvic splanchnics
What opposes during colonic peristalsis, particularly mass movements?
Ileocaecal Junction
Vermiform blind ending diverticulum arising most frequently from posteromedial aspect of caecum?
Base Location?
Base location: McBurney’s point
Relationships of the Cecum?
Anterior: anterior abdominal wall and loops of small interesting
Posterior: Iliopsoas, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Posteromedial: Femoral nerve and external iliac vessels
Relationships of the Ascending Colon?
Anterior : Small Intestine
Posterior : Iliacus, quadratus lumborum & lower pole of right kidney
Blood Supply/Venous Drainage of Ascending Colon?
SMA (ileocolic and right colic arteries)
SMV (ileocolic and right colic veins)
Relationships of the Transverse Colon?
Anterior: Liver & GB, stomach, spleen, greater omentum
Posterior: Small intestine (D2), & pancreas
The transverse colon travels _______peritoneally from the __________ flexure to __________flexure attaching to the ___________ ligament
The transverse colon travels INTRAperitoneally from the right colic (hepatic) flexure to the left colic (splenic) flexure attaching to the phrenicocolic ligament
The Ascending colon travels _______peritoneally from the _________________ending at _______________ flexure. It has a paracolic gutter leading to _________________
The Ascending colon travels RETROperitoneally from right hypochondrium ending at right colic/hepatic flexure. It has a paracolic gutter leading to subphrenic space
Relationships of the Descending Colon?
Anterior: Small intestine
Posterior: Diaphragm, left kidney, quadratus lumborum and iliacus
What marks the midgut/hindgut watershed?
Left colic flexure (Transverse/Descending Colon transition)
Sigmoid colon begins above the ______travels _______peritoneally to _______ sacral segment.
It is ______ -shaped with long mesentery tapering towards rectum (_______________)
Sigmoid colon begins above the pelvic inlet travels intraperitoneally to 3rd sacral segment.
It is S-shaped variable length with long mesentery tapering towards rectum (sigmoid mesocolon)