L11 - At what level should conservation act Flashcards
What are umbrella species and why are they important for conservation?
Umbrella species are usually large-bodied and wide-ranging animals that require extensive suitable habitat. Conservation of these species indirectly conserves their ecosystems, benefiting multiple species (e.g., tigers, pandas)
What are sentinel or indicator species?
Sentinel species are sensitive to environmental changes and indicate the state of the environment (e.g., amphibians, Steller’s sea eagle, lichens).
What are keystone species and their significance?
Keystone species have a disproportionately large impact on their ecosystems. They support entire communities (e.g., sea otters maintaining kelp forests, black-tailed prairie dogs supporting prairie ecosystems)
What is the difference between evolutionary significant units (ESUs) and management units (MUs) in conservation?
ESUs: Populations with a common evolutionary history, conserving them preserves evolutionary diversity.
MUs: Populations isolated recently, differing in allele frequencies due to limited gene flow.
Why are Bornean elephants considered an ESU?
Genetic analysis (mtDNA and microsatellites) showed they are distinct, suggesting Pleistocene colonization and isolation, highlighting their high conservation priority
What are major tropical wilderness areas?
Areas with high species diversity and endemism, having lost at least 70% of primary vegetation. Identified by Norman Myers, they are priority areas for conservation.
What are major tropical wilderness areas?
Areas with high species endemism and pristine ecosystems, introduced by Russell Mittermeier, prioritized for conservation
What is an ecoregion?
A large area with geographically distinct natural communities sharing species, ecological dynamics, and environmental conditions critical for their persistence
What is the Global 200?
WWF’s list of 238 priority ecoregions (terrestrial, freshwater, marine) with high biodiversity and endemism, crucial for global ecosystem conservation
What are the protection statuses of ecoregions globally?
- Half Protected: >50% protected.
- Nature Could Reach Half: <50% protected, but natural habitat + protected area >50%.
- Nature Could Recover: Natural habitat + protected area between 20%-50%.
- Nature Imperiled: Natural habitat + protected area ≤20%.
What is the Global Deal for Nature?
A plan to protect and interconnect 50% of the terrestrial realm by 2030, emphasizing habitat restoration, conservation strategies, and empowerment of indigenous communities.
What is the ecosystem approach to conservation by the CBD?
Integrated management of land, water, and living resources for equitable conservation and sustainable use, recognizing humans as part of ecosystems
What are the goals of the ecosystem approach?
Adaptive management, addressing ecosystem complexity, and promoting conservation while integrating scientific methods across biological organization levels
What are some examples of Tanzanian ecoregions?
Albertine Rift Montane Forests, Eastern Miombo Woodlands, Eastern Arc Forests, and Central Zambezi Miombo Woodlands
Why are evolutionary significant differences within species prioritized over morphology?
Evolutionary significant differences reflect genetic diversity and evolutionary history, offering deeper insight than morphological traits