L1 - Intro to BBB Flashcards
what is neuroscience
knowledge and understanding of the brain
what is psychology
understanding of experience before understanding how the brain works, analysis of human behaviour
somatic intervention
manipulate the brain to change behaviour
apply stimulation to move limbs
stimulate coil within brain
different regions of brain control specific parts of the body
behavioural intervention
manipulate behvaiour to change the brain
experience changes size of different brain areas
brain & body co-vary
parallel change in brain & behvaiour
severity of disorder & size of brain change e.g. stroke
Levels of analysis in explaining brain behaviour relationships: social level
individuals behaving in social interactions
Levels of analysis in explaining brain behaviour relationships:
organ level
spinal cord
peripheral nerves
Levels of analysis in explaining brain behaviour relationships:
neural systems level
eyes & visual brain regions
Levels of analysis in explaining brain behaviour relationships:
brain region level
visual cortex
Levels of analysis in explaining brain behaviour relationships:
circuit level
local neural circuit
Levels of analysis in explaining brain behaviour relationships:
cellular level
single neuron
Levels of analysis in explaining brain behaviour relationships:
synaptic levels
Levels of analysis in explaining brain behaviour relationships:
molecular level
structure: neuroanatomy
organs that enables us to function as individuals
function: role in behaviour
role of different regions of brain in relation to behaviour
soul produces behaviour
brain & body = machine producing motion, breathing
nonmaterial mind produces ration behaviour
mind + body = person
tests of existence of mind
language test
describe things not physically present
action test
behaviour is produced by nervous system
contemporary psych & neuroscience
measure description of behaviour can be reference to activity of brain (Kolb & Whishaw)
developments in biology
darwin & natural selection
mandel & genetic inheritence