L1: Evolution and development of health behaviour Flashcards
evolution and depression paradox
why did natural selection not eliminate depression from the population?
lifetime prevalence of depression in NL
heritability of depression
Genome-wide Association Study about depression
No SNPs achieved significance
fecundity =
resultaten van studie over fertility bij mental disorders
Except for women with depression, affected patients had significantly fewer children. But males did have significantly fewer children.
Dus waarom niet bij depressie?
Vulnerability to depression, and perhaps substance abuse, may be preserved by balancing selection, suggesting the involvement of common genetic variants in ways that depend on other genes and on environment.
balancing selection=
Balancing selection is an evolutionary process that maintains genetic diversity within a population by favoring the persistence of multiple alleles (gene variants) at a specific locus. Instead of driving one allele to fixation (where only one variant remains), balancing selection helps keep different alleles in the gene pool. It plays a crucial role in maintaining genetic variation, which can be beneficial for a population’s ability to adapt to changing environments.
why do humans get depressed?
- cry for help
- reaction to losses
- seasonal (no activity in winter)
- energy conservation
- rumination, solving problems
- association with inflammation/infections
- mismatch
relatie inflammation and depression
Crosstalk between inflammatory pathways and neurocircuits in the brain can lead to behavioural responses, such as avoidance and alarm, that are likely to have provided early humans with an evolutionary advantage in their interactions with pathogens and predators. However, in modern times, such interactions between inflammation and the brain appear to drive the development of depression and may contribute to non-responsiveness to current antidepressant therapies. Recent data have elucidated the mechanisms by which the innate and adaptive immune systems interact with neurotransmitters and neurocircuits to influence the risk for depression.
evolutionairy pressure (conspecifics, predators, pathogens) -> inflammatory bias -> alarm, avoidance in the brain & wound healing, fighting infection in cells -> more infectious mortality, less inflammtory conditions and less autoimmunity & immunoregulatory system upregulated -> less infectious mortality, more inflammatory conditions and more autoimmunity & environmental, social and medical stress -> depression
kijken naar unified model of depression in schrift
mismatch hypothesis=
we are not adapted to modern environments, but to ancestral environments. this results in a mismatch
what was the environment of evolutionary adaptedness
- savannah-like environment
- hunter-gatherer society
- nomadic lifestyle
- physical dangers
- high infant mortality
- food scarcity
mismatches we currently have:
- diet
- physical activity
- childrearing
- sunlight
- sleep
- social interactions
Hadza =
protected hunter-gatherer tribe in tanzania
evidence for mismatch hypothesis
- developing countries have less mismatches regarding mood disorders than rich countries
- rural areas have less mismatch than urban areas
- more mismatch in modern societies than traditional societies
- more physical activity is less mismatch, less physical activity is more mismatch
- more mismatches is more depression, less mismatches is less depression