L05 - Learning & Memory Flashcards
Describe classical (Pavlovian) conditioning.
- Learning by stimulus-stimulus association
- Prior to conditioning, unconditional stimulus (UCS) will lead to unconditioned response (UCR)
- If UCS combined with neutral stimulus (NS), it will lead to same UCR
- Continuous repetition -> NS will become a conditioned stimulus (CS) leading to same response = conditioned response (CR)
Describe operant (instrumental) conditioning.
- Learning by response-outcome association
- When a particular behaviour occurs, the behaviour is either reinforced (to increase / maintain the behaviour) or punished (to decrease the behaviour)
- If the reinforcement / punishment is positive, it involves adding a pleasant / aversive stimulus
- If the reinforcement / punishment is negative, it involves removing an aversive / pleasant stimulus
Describe social (observational) learning.
- Learning by watching other people’s behaviour and its consequences
- Learning occurs by imitation
Which neurones are associated with observational learning, and how do they work?
- Mirror neurones
- These neurones are the same neurones that fire when a behaviour is observed as when an individual performs the behaviour
- They are mostly in the frontal and parietal cortices
How are learning and memory linked?
- The ability to learn depends on the ability to remember
- The ability to remember depends on prior learning
What are the three stages of memory?
1 - Encoding
2 - Storage
3 - Retrieval
What are the characteristics of short-term memory?
1 - Limited capacity (7±2 items)
2 - Short duration
3 - Maintenance occurs via rehearsal
4 - Forgetting occurs via displacement (a consequence of limited capacity)
What are the characteristics of long-term memory?
1 - Unlimited capacity
2 - Variable duration
3 - Forgetting occurs via interference and / or decay (‘use it or lose it’)
4 - Cues and context aid retrieval of information stored in the long-term memory
What are the 2 components of long-term memory?
1 - Declarative memory (facts, data, events, etc.)
2 - Procedural memory (how to do things)
What are the 2 components of declarative memory?
1 - Episodic memory (personal experiences)
2 - Semantic memory (general factual information)
What proportion of information do patients tend to remember from a consultation?
List 4 causes of memory impairment.
1 - Diffuse brain diseases (dementias)
2 - Focal brain diseases (amnesias)
3 - Physiological disturbances (delirium)
4 - Psychiatric illnesses (schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, dissociative disorders)
What are the two types of amnesia and what are the differences between them?
- Retrograde amnesia: can’t remember events prior to brain damage
- Anterograde amnesia: can’t remember events that occur after brain damage
What are the symptoms of anterograde amnesia?
- Difficulty learning new info
- May be disorientated & confused
- Personality, intelligence & judgement may be unaffected
- Will generally have good memory for the past up to the time of brain injury
- May have trouble holding job
- Stress, anxiety, worthlessness, relationship issues, effects on family, frustration