L03 Flashcards
what is adult/ child safe guarding?
protecting an individual’s right to live in a safety and abuse free
what is an independent advocate?
someone who stands along side another as a non bias who helps enforce ones rights and empower them
what is continuity of care?
when the care requirements of someone is moved to their new location in a timely,logical and coherent fashion
Children and families act (2014):
- gives children commissioners more power
- States that children commissioner must focus on protecting and promoting all children’s rights
- States that any parent with children have guaranteed parental leave
- Allows parents who are going to adopt time off
what is a clinical commissioning group?
GP lead bodies which lead how care is delivered
The care act (2014):
- The duty of the local authority is do promote an individual’s well being through e.g. protection from harm abuse and neglect and accommodation
- Continuity of care must be provided if someone moves geographical locations
- Must ensure adult safeguarding
- Provide preventative services
how does the equality act cover victimisation and harassment?
classifies them as discrimination so must be followed up with the appropriate legal action
how does the equality act protect carers of those who are likely to face discrimination?
through association
Health and social care act (2012):
Patients have more control over their care than the care givers
Those providing care have the freedom to decide what care meets local needs
Made an independent service called HealthWatch which aims to protect interest of all those who use health and social care services
Clinical commissioning groups which are GP bodies that lead how care is delivered
Equality act (2010):
Makes indirect and direct discrimination on basis of protected characteristics illegal
Carers of individuals are protected from discrimination by association
Encourages positive action
Ensures reasonable adjustment must be made by employers
what is a children’s commissioner?
a safeguarding board with children’s best interests put first they are responsible for promoting the best interests of children and protecting their rights
what are the 5 main aims from the children’s act 2004:
every child is:
- health
- safe
- enjoying and achieving
- making positive contributions
- achieve economic wellbeing
Mental capacity act (2005):
Presumption of capacity
Support to make decisions
Unwise decisions
Less restrictive option
Best interest
Children act (2004):
Aims to protect which who are at risk of harm
The interest of the child and younger person are paramount in all considerations of welfare (paramountcy principle)
Encourages partnership work
Every child has the right to an advocate
Data protection act (1998):
Declares how data should be handled correctly
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
Accurate and kept up to date
Kept for no longer than necessary
Not transferred to other countries out of the EU
Data subjects have a right to see their information and have it corrected
who is the care certificate?
Its for individuals in unregulated roles/ jobs in health care situations eg. carer not a nurse and it the 15 minimum standard that should be covered in training for those working in unregulated care roles
The care certificate (2014):
Understand effective communication
Understand how to handle patients’ information
Health and safety
Understand their role
Duty of care
what is the paramountcy principle?
the welfare of the child must come before, and take priority over, any other factors
(children’s act)
Human rights act (1998):
Applies to all public authorities
Right to life e.g. medication
Right to respect, privacy and family life e.g. not discussing a patients care, having curtains
Right to liberty and security e.g. cannot be detained unless under the mental health act
Right to freedom from discrimination