L02 Flashcards
what are the 3 types of discriminatory practices?
- prejudice
- labelling
- stereotyping
treating people less favourably based on their differences
Direct discrimination:
Indirect discrimination:
Direct discrimination- from one person to another
Indirect discrimination- a policy or law that disadvantages a specific group or individual
a range of negative behaviours from one to another person or group with the intent to intimidate or harm
feel a lack of control in relation to one’s life and rights , often a result of abuse
Low self-esteem:
-feeling worthless or less than
the ideas, customs, and social behaviors of a particular people or society
Social class:
division of a society based on social and economic status
Unconscious bias:
- automatic judgement /assessment
Types of abuse and examples:
- Physical- e.g. Threatening, physical harm
- Verbal- insults, humiliating
- Psychological- threats, constant criticism
-Sexual- any unwanted sexual interaction - Neglect- carer fails to provide adequate care
Effects of discrimination:
- mistrust
- insatiability
- decrease in mental and physical well being
having negative attitudes or dislikes towards a certain group based on ill formed opinions
identifying people negatively as part of a particular group with assumptions that ‘they are all the same’)
- stereotyping
making generalisations and judgments which are often offensive and exaggerated about individuals or groups based on prejudice