l. 32-69 Flashcards
Warað hine wræclāst, nales wunden gold,
The path of exile possesses him, not wound gold,
ferðloca frēorig, nalæs foldan blǣd.
a frozen life-enclosure, not at all earth’s glory.
“glory”, “prosperity” / “breath” / “spirit”, “life”
Gemon hē selesecgas ond sincþege,
He remembers his hall-companions and the receiving of treasure,
hū hine on geoguðe his goldwine
wenede tō wiste.
how in his youth his gold-friend / accustomed him to the feast.
“feast” -> Sounds like it.
Wyn eal gedrēas.
Joy all perished.
For þon wāt se þe sceal his winedryhtnes
lēofes lārcwidum longe forþolian.
Indeed he knew he must long do without the teachings of his beloved friend and lord.
Ðonne sorg ond slǣp somod ætgædre
earmne ānhogan oft gebindað,
Whenever sorrow and sleep simultaneously together often binds the wretched solitary thinker,
“solitary thinker” -> Interesting comparison to Grendel as “angengea” (solitary walker) which is a less cerebral isolation
þinceð him on mōde þæt hē his mondryhten
it seems to him in his mind that he his lord of men
clyppe ond cysse ond on cnēo lecge
honda ond hēafod,
honours and kisses and lays his hand and head on his knee,
swā hē hwīlum ǣr
in geārdagum giefstōlas brēac.
as he at times before / in days of yore enjoyed the throne.
“gift-seat”, “throne”
Ðonne onwæcneð eft winelēas guma,
Then awakens the friendless man again,
gesihð him biforan fealwe wēgas,
sees before him dark waves,
baþian brimfuglas, brǣdan feþra,
sea-birds that bathe, with feathers spread,