Kommunikationsstrategi Flashcards
DRIP modellen
• The DRIP model can be used to check the effectiveness of the message:
o Differentiate what you’re offering
o Remind them that you are here with the things they want
o Inform your audience about innovation and changes
o Persuade your audience to consider you and keep you on their radar
AIDA modellen
o Awareness Make them aware of your product o Interest Spark an interest o Desire Make them desire your product o Action Encourage audience to take action
Integrated marketing communications (IMC)
• IMC: A system of management and integration of marketing communication elements – advertising, publicity, sales promotion, internet marketing, sponsorship marketing and point-of-sale communications – with the result that all elements adhere to the same message. These five elements should not be considered as separate entities, but instead as interconnected ones.
Share of voice (SOV)
The communication expenditures (advertising, PR, sales force, etc.) for the firm’s brand in percentage of the total communication expenditures for all brands in a product category.
One to one, one to many, many to many
• One-to-many model
o A single marketer develops and sends messages to many
• One-to-one model
o Marketers speak to customers individually in the form of personal selling, etc.
• Many-to-many model
o Many speak to many (social media)
Shannon & Weavers kommunikationsmodel
• Encoding by the source (marketer)
o Translating an idea into a form of communication that will convey the desired message to the receiver
• The message
o The actual communication going from sender to receiver. May include both verbal and non-verbal elements
• The medium
o The communications vehicle that the message is transmitted through to reach the receiver. Can be traditional or digital marketing channels
• Decoding by the receiver (consumers)
o When the receiver assigns meaning to the message. Is not always how the sender intended it to be received
• Noise
o Anything that interferes with effective communication and blocks the message
• Feedback
o Reaction to messages. Communication from the receiver back to the sender
Den traditionelle promotion mix
- Personal selling
- Advertising
- Sales promotion
- PR
- Direct marketing
Typer af advertising
• Product advertising
o The message focuses on a specific good or service
• Institutional advertising
o Promotes the activities, personality or point of view of an organization or company
o Corporate advertising – promotes the company as a whole
o Advocacy advertising – trying to influence public opinion on a specific issue in the interest of the public
o Public information films – messages in the public interest run by the media at no charge, that seek to change attitudes and behavior towards a social issue
Typer af medier
User-generated advertising content
• The content created by consumers in the form of consumer comments, opinions, advice, discussions, reviews, photos, videos, podcasts, etc.
• Crowdsourcing – harnessing crowds to source solutions to business problems
Traditional mass media
• Television
• Radio
• Newspapers
• Magazines
Branded entertainment
• Product placement/Embedded marketing – paid placement of a company’s products in movies, videos, etc.
• Native advertising – sponsored messages that resemble the normal content so you can’t tell it is an ad
• Content marketing – branded entertainment (videos, blogs, videos, etc.)
Support media
• Directory advertising – the yellow pages
• Outdoor media
• Place-based media – Placing media in specific public places were audiences are “captive” e.g airport
• Digital media – owned, paid and earned media
• Website advertising – banners, buttons, pop-ups
• Email advertising
• Search engines – SEO
• Mobile advertising – Geo-targeting (ads to people in specific geographic locations)
• Video sharing – e.g YT
B2B sales promotion
Sales promotion directed at the trade – the B2B customer
• Discounts and deals
• Sales promotion to increase industry visibility
o Trade shows
o Promotional products – merchandise
o Incentive programmes – push-money in the form of cash bonuses, trips or other prices in connection with competitions etc.
B2C sales promotion
Sales promotion directed at consumers
• Price-based consumer sales promotion
o Coupons
o Price deals
o Rebates and refunds
o Frequency (loyalty/continuity) programmes
o Special/bonus packs
• Attention-getting consumer promotions
o Contests and sweepstakes
o Premiums – items offered for free when buying a product
o Sampling
o Point-of-sale (POS) – influencing consumers while they are in the shop
o Ambient promotions – when someone dresses up in costumes in public places (e.g malls or stores)
o Cross-promtion – when marketers make two or more products or services join forces to create interest using a single promotional tool
Beskriv typer af sociale medier
Social media
• Social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YT, etc.
• Groundswell – a social trends in which people use technology to get the things they need from each other rather than from traditional institutions like corporations
Social networks
• Brand communities – consumers create a community based on a brand and their attachment to the brand
Virtual worlds
• Online digital environment where avatars live and interact
Product review sites
• Enables people to post stories about their experiences with goods and services
Mobile apps and location-based social networks
• Location based social networks that integrate GPS to stay alert with friends
• AR (augmented reality)
The internet of things
• When devices collect data and communicate with one another
Direkte marketing
• Mail order o Catalogues o Direct mail • Telemarketing • Direct-response advertising o When the consumer can respond directly to a message by immediately responding to the company. E.g homeshopping • m-Commerce o Promotions and other e-commerce activities transmitted through the phone
Beskriv PR og hvorfor man bruger det
• PR is all about persuading audiences to listen and respond to your story
• PR is earned
Why PR?
• Build awareness of new products B2B
• Introduce new products to consumers
• Influence government legislation
• Enhance the image of an organization
• Change attitudes towards a city, region or country
• Help manage unexpected crises to limit damage
Guerilla marketing
- “Ambushing” customers with promotional content in places where they don’t expect to encounter these messages
- Ambient advertising – the placement of messages in non-traditional media e.g back of a garage, supermarket trolleys, etc.
- Flash mob – surprise dancing routine with many people in public places
Buzz eller word of mouth marketing
- Everyday people helping a company’s marketing efforts when they share their opinions with their friends and neighbors
- Tryvertising – advertising by sampling that is designed to create buzz about a product
- F-commerce – Facebook commerce
- Brand polarization – the gap between good buzz and bad buzz
Trinnene i at udvikle en IMC plan
Developing the IMC plan
• Step 1: Identify the target audience
• Step 2: Establish the communications objectives
o Use SMART objectives. (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time constrained)
• Step 3: Determine and allocate the marketing communications budget
o Top-down budgeting techniques
Decision makers at the top deciding on an overall budget
o Percentage of sales method
Promotion budget is based on last year’s sale or estimates for the present year’s sale
o Competitive-parity method
Matches what the competitors are spending
o Bottom-up budgeting techniques
Identifying promotion and allocating money accordingly
o Objective task method
Deciding on the objective before deciding on a budget
o Decide on a pull, push or profile strategy
Pull strategy – marketing campaigns with messages directed at consumers
Push strategy – marketing campaigns with messages focused on trade channels (B2B)
Profile strategy – connects with PR and reputation management. Creating a profile for the company
• Step 4: Design the promotion mix
o Channel selection
• Step 5: Evaluate the effectiveness of the IMC programme
o CTR – click through rate
o Other rating measurement
Push og pull strategier
Pull strategy
• Attempts to influence consumers directly
• Communication is designed to build demand.
• Consumer asks retailers, who asks wholesalers, who asks the manufacturer.
Push strategy
• Communicating to distribution channel members, who in turn promote to the end user.
• Common in industrial and b2b marketing.
• Below-the-line advertising: Advertising that uses less convetional methods, that are handled by the company itself. E.g.:email campaigns, promotion, brochures, product demos.
• A push pull strategy is often relevant
• Above-the-line: Advertising in the mass media, including press, radio, television and internet. Normally handled by agencies.
Trinnene i personal selling
The steps in personal selling
1 Pre-approach and planning
• Preparing and planning for the initial meeting by learning about the potential customer.
2 Approach
• Is the first formal contact with the customer, the objective is to get an initial meeting and gain customer interest.
3 Building the relationship
• It is important to determine who the key decisions makers are.
• The sales person listens to the customer needs and how they can be fulfilled – sales people should learn to be good listeners.
4 closing the deal and building loyalty
• Learning how to manage objections/rejections is important, how to respond, and further develop dialogue towards being able to close a purchase.
• Personal selling is a two-way process opposed to advertising which is one-way.
Interaktiv marketing communication (4 typer)
The extended model of interactive marketing communication • For different communication styles: 1. Traditional one-way advertising: 2. Customer-driven interaction 3. Viral marketing 4. Social media marketing
Social media marketing - 6C model
The 6C model of social media marketing
• 6 interrelated elements (Cs) that explains the creation and retention of customer engagement regarding the fourth of the different communication types mentioned above.
Company and content
• Internet is a pull media
• Content can take the form of e.g. a Facebook product or brand page and or a YouTube video pushed out to viewers.
• Must embrace that they don’t have full control over the content since as soon the content is published, the content will be reposted and recreated.
• The company creates content and pushes it over the symbolic border of control to the other side, where a community of interested consumers now takes it up.
• Communication becomes bidirectional.
• Community is reflected in the simple form of commenting or reacting to the content.
• Companies can learn about their consumers behavior through the content
• Influencers can be used to win customer trust, it is more flexible and less intrusive than normal online ads.
Customers and online conversation
• In general, there is an escalation of customers who wants to engage with a brand that extends beyond the purchase.
• Social media provide insights into the behavior of non-customers too, and marketers try to trigger buzz among prospective customers too.
De 4 typer sociale medier kategorier
The four social media categories
Value play (social entertainment)
• This category encompasses channels and vehicles that offer opportunities for play and entertainment.
• E.g.g myspace, Esport – Twitch.
Value sell (social commerce)
• This category refers to the use of social media to assist in the online buying ad selling of products and services. It is a subset of e-commerce, which is the practice of buyig and selling products and services by the internet (e.g. organized by companies such as amazon and Alibaba).
• Social commerce uses social media applications to enable shoppers to interact and collaborate during the shopping experience and to assist retailers during buying decisions.
• Social commerce channels include reviews and ratings
• Examples of social commerce channels: Airbnb, hotels.com, booking.com, Uber
Value create (Social publishing)
• Sites in this category help dissemination of content to an audience.
• E.g. blogs, micro sharing sites, media sharing sites and social bookmarking and new sites.
• Similar to an online journal
Value share (Social community)
• This category describes the channels of social media focused on social relationships and the common activities people participate in with others who share the same interest.
• E.g. facebook, twitter, linkedin, google
Social media funnel
The social media funnel
• Social media marketing is about using social networks and tools to guide prospective customers through a series of steps – a funnel – to get them to become a new customer, and in the end a loyal customer.
• The foru social media categories can act as funnels.
• To choose the right funnel the company should know who their customers are and where they can be reached most effectively.
Trinnene i at lave en sociale medier marketing plan
• A social media marketing plan is the summary of everything the company plans to do in social media marketing.
Step 1: Conduct a social media audit (where are we today)
• Asses the current social media use and how it is working.
• The company can create mission statements and objectives for each of its social media platforms, and platforms without a purpose should be deleted.
Step 2: create social media marketing objectives
• Establish goals and objectives that the company hopes to achieve, enabling to evaluate ROI.
• Goals should be aligned with broader marketing strategy, and should be SMART.
Step 3: Choose the most relevant social media platforms to work with
• Choose networks that best meet the company’s social media missions and objectives.
Step 4: Get social media inspiration from industry leaders, competitors and key opinion leader in the online community
• If the company is unsure of what content to create on it platforms it can seek inspiration from influencers, competitors or industry leaders.
Step 5: Create a content and time plan for the company’s social media efforts
• Strategies for content creation, and editorial calendar that lists the dates and times the company intends to publish blogs, Instagram and Facebook posts.
Step 6: Test, evaluate and adjust your social media marketing plan
• Company should use metrics from the platforms to asses their initiatives.
• Companies should record and analyze their successes and failures, and then adjust their social media marketing plan in response.
Hvordan laver man en viral marketing kampagne?
Developing a viral marketing campaign
• Viral marketing: Online word-of-mouth is a marketing technique that seeks to exploit existing social networks to produce exponential increases in brand awareness.
Developing a viral marketing campaign
• Successful viral campaigns are easily spread.
• ‘seeding’ is the act of planting the campaign with the initial group of followers who will then go on to spread the campaign to others
• The goal of a viral campaign is explosive reach and participation.
Hierarchy of effects model
Awareness > Knowledge > Liking > Preference > Conviction > Purchase
Innovation adoption model
Awareness > Interest > Evaluation > Trial > Adoption
Communications model
Exposure > Reception > Cognitive response > Attitude > Intention > Behavior
Typer af kommunikationsmodeller
Lineære, transaktion, interaktion
Beskriv den lineære kommunikationsmodel
En vejs kommunikation, ingen feedback
Beskriv den transaktionære kommunikationsmodel
Instant feedback, sender får feedback på message
Beskriv den interaktionære kommunikationsmodel
Begge parter sender beskeder til hinanden, sociale medier
Beskriv de forskellige typer af media scheduling
Kontinuitet (advertising is run steadily throughout a period)
Flighting (advertising is run heavily every other month or two weeks)
Pulsing (små intervaller med meget advertising)
Busting (heavy advertising only when the product is likely to be used e.g. summer, christmas)
Hvilke budgetmetoder findes der?
o Top-down budgeting techniques
Decision makers at the top deciding on an overall budget
o Percentage of sales method
Promotion budget is based on last year’s sale or estimates for the present year’s sale
o Competitive-parity method
Matches what the competitors are spending
o Bottom-up budgeting techniques
Identifying promotion and allocating money accordingly
o Objective task method
Deciding on the objective before deciding on a budget
Andre faktorer der kan påvirke kommunikation?
Language differences
• Names, sales presentation materials and so on may have to be adapted/translated to another market.
Economic differences
• Developing countries, literacy availability of technology.
Socio-cultural differences
• Cultural factors affect how individuals perceive and interpret advertising.
Legal and regulatory conditions
• Advertising regulations and industry codes influence the selection of media and content of promotional materials.
Competitive differences
• Adapt promotional strategy and the timing to the local competitive environment.
Beskriv branded entertainment
Branded entertainment
• Product placement/Embedded marketing – paid placement of a company’s products in movies, videos, etc.
• Native advertising – sponsored messages that resemble the normal content so you can’t tell it is an ad
• Content marketing – branded entertainment (videos, blogs, videos, etc.)
Beskriv support medier
Support media
• Directory advertising – the yellow pages
• Outdoor media
• Place-based media – Placing media in specific public places were audiences are “captive” e.g airport
• Digital media – owned, paid and earned media
• Website advertising – banners, buttons, pop-ups
• Email advertising
• Search engines – SEO
• Mobile advertising – Geo-targeting (ads to people in specific geographic locations)
• Video sharing – e.g YT